TRANSGREEN - Sustainable transport in focus at the CoP5 of the Carpathian Convention


A key event for the future of the Carpathians took place last week, 10-12 October 2017, in Lillafüred, Hungary. The 5th Conference of the Parties of the Carpathian Convention brought together decision-makers from Carpahtian countries to focus on key topics for the region, among which “sustainable transport”. TRANSGREEN was featured as a main example highlighting the integrated aspect of infrastructure planning in the Carpathian region, to be taken into consideration in further policy work, as well as concrete projects.

The 5th CoP of the Carpathian Convention has as an umbrella topic the UN Environment’s Outlook on Climate Change Adaptation in the Carpathians. The Outlook is part of a series covering major mountain ranges worldwide and provides the scientific basis for policy action and offers best practices. The event was attended by up to 200 representatives of the 7 Carpathian countries and stakeholders, including observers from ICPDR, Alpine Convention, EU (DG Envi/DG Regio), UNEP, Science for the Carpathians (S4C). The CoP marked the adoption the new Article 12bis to the Convention which commits the Parties to take action to mitigate climate change, and also the ratification of the Protocol on Agriculture and Rural Development. The Protocol on Sustainable Transport is in process of preparation and negotiation, and is estimated to be ratified at the next CoP 6 in 2020.

The CoP 5 was focused more on discussions on key topics, such as sustainable transport, rather than on negotiating final documents. Therefore the first two days of the CoP, October 10th and 11th, covered a series of technical sessions on the various key topics.

TRANSGREEN project was mentioned 3 times a flagship project: by the Czech presidency, by the Secretary of the Carpathian Convention on behalf of UNEP Mr. Harald Egerer and by Mr. Jan Dusik, the appointed Director of the UNEP Regional Office for Europe. TRANSGREEN was presented on Wednesday, October 11th, by the project manager, Mrs. Hildegard Meyer, WWF DCP. She led the session attendants through the project goals, objectives and activities. Thus she could launch an invitation to the participating parties to get involved in the initiatives and contexts that the project creates.

  • Members and observers of the WG (working group) on Transport within the Carpathian Convention are welcome to participate in the dedicated WG meetings, one of which will be held in the beginning of 2018.
  • Moreover, participants are invited to be part of the group that will develop the Strategic Action Plan on Sustainable Transport that the project aims to help develop so that it can be adopted at COP6 in 2020.
  • All experts working in the field of transport have the opportunity to attend cross-sectoral meetings at both the national and international level, and their expert contribution is of utmost importance to the integrated planning developments aimed at by the project.
  • There are also opportunities for working directly on Guidelines and recommendations on integrated transport infrastructure, as well as incorporating them into existing policy. There will be two workshops on these topics, as well as two larger events – the Mid-term event in June 2018 and the Final event in 2019.  

All interested participants could further discuss about the TRANSGREEN and its pilot sites at the stand especially organized in the lobby of the CoP. Also, one cartoon exhibition was prepared to portray the key actors in the field of integrated planning and to offer an invitation for (self)reflection and open dialogue among these domains.

On the final day of the conference, the Ministerial session focused on the future of the Carpathians. Visions for the future offered by WWF DCP and young people from across the Carpathians provided a backdrop for reflections by ministers and state secretaries on future development, challenges and opportunities of the mountain region.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)