D-STIR - Announcement: D-STIR Project will be promoted during the capitalisation workshop within Annual Forum on EUSDR


D-STIR Project will be promoted during the capitalisation workshop organised on October 19, 2017 within Annual Forum on the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) as a member of Thematic Pole 2 – RDI Framework support. D-STIR Project will be part of a joint presentation with other 2 projects included in the Pole (RI2Integrate and ResInfra@DR).

Horia Hulubei National Institute for Research and Development in Physics and Nuclear Engineering from Romania, as partner within D-STIR and RI2Integrate Projects will also attend the workshop as well as ELI-HU Research and Development Non-profit Ltd (member of consortium of D-STIR Project and lead partner of RI2Integrate Project).

Thematic Pole 2 - RDI framework support is co-ordinated by the Centre for Social Innovation in Vienna and EUSDR PA7. Its main aim is to contribute to the mission of the DTP and the S.O.1.1 by creating links between the local, regional, national, macro-regional and European Union levels while looking to improve the framework conditions for research and innovation in the Danube Macro region. Particular focus is put on policy dialogue and development of new tools and instruments as well as on knowledge transfer, capacity building and awareness raising within the quadruple helix. The two main thematic fields are related to Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and Research infrastructures (RI).

The EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) is a macro-regional strategy adopted by the European Commission in December 2010 and endorsed by the European Council in 2011. The Strategy was jointly developed by the Commission, together with the Danube Region countries and stakeholders, in order to address common challenges together. The Strategy seeks to create synergies and coordination between existing policies and initiatives taking place across the Danube Region.

The Strategy is not about funding, it is about closer cooperation!

The Strategy

The EU Strategy for the Danube Region, endorsed in June 2011 by the European Council, is the second EU macro-regional strategy after the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)