RI2integrate - Announcement of the Second partner meeting in Romania


The second project partner meeting of the transnational project “Embeddedness of High Quality Research Infrastructures in the Danube Region ” (RI2integrate) will be held in Bukarest, Romania between 25th and 27th October 2017.  The meeting will be organized by PP7 – Magurele High Tech Cluster from Romania with participation of representatives of all project partners.

During the project meeting we will visit ELI-NP which is going to be the most advanced research facility in the world focusing on the study of photonuclear physics and its applications, comprising a very high intensity laser of two 10PW ultra-short pulse lasers and the most brilliant tunable gamma-ray beam.

ELI-NP has been selected by the most important science committees in Nuclear Physics in Europe - NuPECC - in the Nuclear Physics Long Range Plan in Europe as a major facility. 

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)