TRANSGREEN - Success story: Slovakian ecoduct Lučivná is a green bridge worth learning from


The Lučivná green bridge or “ecoduct” ensures the connection of historical wildlife migration corridors between two mountain ranges Vysoké Tatry (High Tatras) and Nízke Tatry (Low Tatras) and a safe crossing above D1 motorway – section Važec – Mengusovce. The ecoduct is a best practice in connectivity and technical masterpiece worth learning from.

Lučivná green bridge, run by National Motorway Company - Národná dialničná spoločnosť (NDS, a.s.) was the focus point of a recent visit of TRANSGREEN project partners from all 5 partner countries, on September 21st 2017. The context is the aim of TRANSGREEN project to ensure smart learning and efficient knowledge sharing across professional sectors and countries, in view of reaching the goal of a better connected Carpathian region.


Project name: green bridge Lučivná, on Motorway D1 (section) Važec – Mengusovce, Slovakia

Run by: Národná diaľničná spoločnosť (NDS) -  National Motorway Company

Size: 250m, 2 tubuses

Built in: 02/1999 – 10/2007

Cost: approx 14,5 milions eur (according to takeover documentation for the building object)

Wildlife crossing: tens of red deer, wild boars, roe deer, small mammals, rabbits, foxes, badgers. Individual bears. Exceptionally wolf.

Arguments for building the ecoduct

  • The motorway runs through historical migration corridor between two mountain ranges Vysoké Tatry and Nízke Tatry. Numerous animals would have been killed and entire populations would have been isolated.
  • For a financial perspective, in 2016-2017 alone 5 animals (2 bears, 1 lynx, 2 otters) were killed in a nearby area (Ivachnová-Hybe) where motorway fencing was missing***. Society value of these species amounts up to 10,000.0EUR. Hunting species were not monitored.

*** Currently, the NDS is monitoring the missing fencing and preparing a remedy to avoid collision between migrating animals and cars.

How did the integrated planning process work?

  • It was initiated upon request to build the ecoduct formulated jointly by the Tatra National Park (TANAP) Administration, hunters and State Forests of TANAP.
  • It lasted approximately 2 years.
  • It involved various stakeholders:  Ministry of Construction of Slovak Republic,  Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic, National Motorway Company, State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)