FORESDA - How to innovate in sawmill business?


The Congress of the SEE Sawmill Industry in Slavonski Brod (Croatia), which will be held on September 28th 2017, undoubtedly represents the main gathering place for the sawmill industry in this part of Europe. An up-to-date and dynamic program is planned to inform participants about investments, funding sources, innovations in cross-sectoral projest, staff training and numerous technology and raw material issues important for primary wood processing. The current act on the limitation related to the transport of oak logs still generates many professional controversies, and the topic will be discussed in a mini-panel discussion in the first part of the program. Mr. Darko Idzaković from the Wood and Paper Industry Trade Union will review the trade union activities in companies and the possible impact of the absence of a trade union organization on the loss of the FSC certificate because many sawmill owners do not yet see the connection between social rights and certificates. Also, the Congress will discuss wood consumption and prices of logs in the region, trends in pellet production and consumption, and green public procurement, which is a tool for many public facilities to equip themselves with high-quality wood products in the process of strengthening of energy efficiency and reducing environmental impacts. 

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)