DANUrB - DOCONF_2017 - Facing Post-War Urban Heritage in Central and Eastern Europe


Throughout Europe, current urban challenges are posed by large-scale ensembles of modernity as a result of post-war development on both sides of the Iron Curtain. The urb/doconf 2017 is the second in a series of a doctoral/postdoctoral conferences to be organised on a biannual basis providing a comparative overview of current doctoral research into the physical – built and natural – environment within Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).

This year, one of the main topics of the conference is Urban Heritage as defined by our DANUrB project. On October 7, 2017 researchers coming from ten different countries will present their findings on topics from various areas of the Danube region. The break-out section will feature many representatives of DANUrB Partnership who will participate as professional consultants and will disseminate our project. All those interested are welcome!

Department of Urban Planning and Design
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)
Műegyetem rkp. 3. 2nd floor 10, Budapest, Hungary


6th Oct / BME K210
9.00 – 9:30 opening

  • Benkő, Melinda / H
  • Meggyesi, Tamás / H
  • Glendinning, Miles / UK


  • 9:30 - Jovanović, Jelica / A-Srb (Belgrade)Mass Heritage of New Belgrade: HOUSING LABORATORY and so much more
  • 9:45 - Gurdon, Balázs / H (CEE) - The Changing Role of the Mass Housing Neighbourhoods in Shrinking Post-Socialist Industrial Cities
  • 10:00 - Antonić, Branislav (Dr. Eva Vaništa Lazarević) / Srb (Vojvodina Region) - Decentralised Housing Policy in Socialist Yugoslavia and its Imprint in Multi-family Neighbourhoods
  • 10:15 - Novakovic, Nevena / Bih (Banja Luka) - Configurational Approach to Revitalisation of Public Life in Mass Housing Neigghbourhoods
  • 10:30 - Horák, Peter / Sk (Bratislava) - Urban Fabric of Bratislava after 2nd World War
  • 11:00 - Gurgenidze, Tinatin / Geor (Tbilisi) - The Post-Soviet Mass Housing Neighbourhood Gldani In Tbilisi
  • 11:15 - Faurisson, Florian / F (Varna) - Towards a Participative Renovation of Bulgarian Communist Housings
  • 11:30 - Otrishchenko, Natalia / Ukr (Lviv) - (Re)defining Places for Community in Sykhiv Housing Estate
  • 11:45 - Carević, Marina, Medenica, Ranka / Srb (Novi Sad) - Functional Diversification of Post-war Neighbourhoods
  • 12:00 - Görner, Karol / Sk (Banská Bystrica) - Slovak Housing Estates and the Accessibility of the Key Amenities


  • 14:00 - Wettstein, Domonkos / H (Balaton Region) - Modern Leisurescapes in Erosion: Lesson of the Changing Development Concepts in the Balaton Region (1958-1978)
  • 14:15 - Napieralska, Zuzanna / Pl (Wroclaw) - Post-war Single Family Settlements from Wrocław: Analysis of their Urban Planning and Present State
  • 14:30 - Špirić, Ana / Srb (Bosnia and Herzegovina) - Industrial Geography in the Function of Industrial Landscape Transformation
  • 14:45 - Wójcik, Agnieszka M.  / Pl (Rzeszów) - Rzeszów Landscape in Years 1945-1989
  • 15:00 - Stojanović, Iva Raič  / Cr (Sibenik) - Parallel Approaches to Post-War Urban Reconstruction in Socialist Croatia
  • 15:15 - Vassiliev, Nikolai / Ru (URSS) - Sotsgorod in Post-war Soviet Urban Landscape


  • 16:15 - Kos, Lukáš / Cz (Brno) - Brno Regional Centre: „New Heart of the 20th Century City“
  • 16:30 - Maraš, Ivana  / Srb (Novi Sad) - Reclaming the Square: the Right to Public Space
  • 16:45 - Habibija, Senada Demirović  / Bih (Mostar) - Rethinking the Urban space – Case Study Mostar
  • 17:00 - Cvetković, Marija, Dinkić, Nikola (Dr. Aleksandra Djukić, Dr. Jugoslav Joković) / Srb (Belgrade) - Post_Socialist Shopping Mall as New Gathering Places
  • 17:15 - Vicherková, Veronika / Cz (Prague) - The Story of TRANSGAS: the Post-war Monument or a Building Plot
  • 17:30 - Hory, Gergely / H (Budapest) - Ephemeral Metamorphosis of the City: Bulky Waste Collection in Budapest

19:00 - URBAN GROUND V / Építész Pince

7th Oct / BME K210
9:00 – 12:00 DANUrB / HERITAGE

  • 9:00 - Maric, Jelena (Dr. Aleksandra Djukic) / Srb (Belgrade) - Connecting Centre of Belgrade with Danube and Sava Riverfronts: to Increase Attractiveness
  • 9:15 - Balla, Regina / H (Paks) - The Impact of Post-War Housing Development on Morphological Changes in Paks
  • 9:30 - Urban, Ján, Lacková, Andrea / Sk (Gabčíkovo) - How (not) to Design a Landscape? Process of Planning Before, During, after the Waterworks
  • 9:45 - Škorić, Stefan, Milinković, Aleksandra, Brkljač, Dijana / Srb (Novi Sad) - Reconnection Possibilities of Socialist Neighbourhoods to the Adjacent Danube River in Novi Sad
  • 10:00 - Jász, Borbála / H - Hidden Modernism: Architecture Theory of the Socialist Realist Gap
  • 10:30 - Mysak, Nataliia / Ukr (Lviv) - (Post-)ideological Mass Housing Landscape: in Search of Preservation Approaches
  • 10:45 - Dokaj, Romina (Dr. Yunitsyna, Anna) / Alb - Palaces of Culture: Architectural Heritage of the Communist Period in Albania
  • 11:00 - Zlatinova-Pavlova, Veneta  / Bg - Post-War Urban Monuments: Exploring their Impact on the Publics Places in Bulgaria
  • 11:15 - Tóth, Gábor / H - The Nature of the Towers: the Ever-Changing Cityscape in Post-War Hungary
  • 11:30 - Tomić, Vesna / Srb (Belgrade) - Chances for ‘’Creative City’’ Turn – Planning Belgrade

14:00 - study trip for lecturers

Travel information:

Public transport
72-hour Budapest travel cards are recommended to buy

Arrival: Budapest Liszt Ferenc Airport (BUD)
Airport Shuttle 100E

Accommodation (proposals):
The BME university campus is situated on the Buda side, in the historic city centre of Budapest with good public transport connections (metro M4, tram 17,19, 41, 47, 49, 56, bus 7, 133).
Find hotels, hostels, apartments using booking or Airbnb around Szent Gellért tér, Fővám tér, Egyetem tér or Kálvin tér.

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Urban Planning and Design, Lead Partner of DANUrB Project

For more information about the DANUrB project, please visit dtp.interreg-danube.eu/danurb
Follow the DANUrB project on social media:


This project is co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)