Newsletter #1




The Mura, Drava and Danube form a highly valuable and free-flowing river corridor spanning across Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary and Serbia - the "Amazon of Europe" - a truly European treasure! Rivers don´t know national borders as their waters flow and transport sediment cross borders. Species cross national boundary lines on their search for food every day and people living along these rivers feel the up- and downstream developments. Therefore, the river management needs to be done on the transboundary level. Through the coop MDD project, we will work towards harmonization of Protected Areas management and develop a joint Management Programme for the future 5-country UNESCO Biosphere Reserve "Mura-Drava-Danube" (TBR MDD). This will guide our coordinated protection, restoration and education actions for many years to come, ensuring conservation of one of the most important European river corridors. 


For more information download our project leaflet (English, German, Slovenian or Hungarian) and visit our website, where you can also subscribe to the newsletter at the bottom of the page.





The coop MDD project was officially launched in March 2017 in Noskovci by the Drava River in Croatia. At the 3-day kick-off meeting, hosted by the Public Institution for Nature Conservation in Virovitica-Podravina County, all 11 partners as well as several supporters were present and actively participated in the detailed presentation of work packages, activities and deliverables. Interesting side program was also organised for partners with guided visit of educational path along the Drava River and its floodplain forests. Partners also visited the bird observation tower at the Drava River.  

Click here for more information or visit the gallery. 





coop MDD project partners visited the Biosphere Reserve on Elbe River in Germany. The Biosphere Reserve Flusslandschaft Elbe is known for its restoration projects and successful inclusion of local businesses in the touristic offer of the region. With boat tour partners visited restoration projects on the Havel River. A walk along the relocated Elbe dyke, where after 150 years 600 hectares of forest have been integrated again into the floodplains, gave a good impression of the ambitious nature protection projects in the Biosphere Reserve.


Click here for more information or visit the gallery





On 12th July 2017 coop MDD partners will organise an international “Amazon of Europe Celebration” in Letenye, Hungary, to officially open and present the coop MDD project to the broad public. Event will also celebrate the 5-year anniversary of the Croatian and Hungarian Transboundary Biosphere Reserve “Mura-Drava-Danube” and recent nomination of the Serbian part – Bačko Podunavlje – into the UNESCO „Man and Biosphere“ program World List of Biosphere Reserves. After the morning study trip on the Mura River organised for Ministry representatives and journalists, the public celebration will be organised in Letenye City Park under the 200-year old platana tree with festive music, food and information stands. Special “Amazon of Europe” mosaic will be finished by the partners and guests at the opening ceremony bringing together messages from five countries along the three rivers.


More information.





The International Coordination Council of the UNESCO „Man and Biosphere Program” included the Bačko Podunavlje into the World List of Biosphere Reserves on their Paris session on 14th June. About 177.000 hectares big, Bačko Podunavlje Nature Reserve is one of the best preserved river and wetland regions in the whole Danube river basin located in the Vojvodina region in Serbia bordering Croatia and Hungary. This big achievement forms the 3rd piece of the TBR MDD puzzle and adds to the already existing 630.000 hectares in Croatia and Hungary designated in 2012. When Slovenian and Austrian areas join them in the next years, TBR MDD will form Europe’s largest river protected area with more than 1.000.000 hectares.


More information.





All project partners also organize local and regional events for the local population, to raise awareness on the natural treasures along Mura, Drava and Danube – and their protection and restoration within the future Transboundary Biosphere Reserve. The event in Slovenia already took place on 9th June (BioBlitz), while the Austrian event will happen on 9th July (Big Jump). Follow our news section and Amazon of Europe Facebook Profile to receive all the news about such events on time. 





White-tailed eagle found one of its last habitats in the "Amazon of Europe"


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Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)