Danube´s Archaeological eLandscapes - Evaluation of the visitor survey of the digital exhibition "Stories of the Past"


new technologies like State-of-the-art Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) applications were used to visualise archaeological knowledge in trendsetting ways. 



At the end of our project Danube's Archaeological eLandscapes we would like to give you the evaluation of the visitor survey of the digital exhibition "Stories of the Past" handover to browse. 4667 people from our ten partner countries filled out a questionnaire on the use of digital media and the latest VR technologies in the Archaeological Exhibition Stories of the Past.
How people felt comfortable with it, and what learning effect they had. and how you would like to use it in the future, you can read here: 


The key outcome of the project Danube's Archaeological eLandscapes, an Interreg Danube Transnational Programme project, is the exhibition “Stories of the Past: Digital Journey into Lost Landscapes“, in the framework of which 10 European countries presented the most important and unique archaeological sites and landscapes in the Danube region to bring their Cultural Heritage closer to the public in a new and attractive way.

The idea was to convey past worlds to visitors in virtual form, bringing the landscapes as a unifying theme back to life contextualised by archaeological excavations, written records and archaeological finds.

Additionally, visitors are offered insights into the creation of these reconstructions and the remains of the archaeological sites. Published by Nika Jancsary and Aenna Linzbauer (project partner: University of Vienna) with contributions of exhibition data by Sarah Kiszter (UMJ) and other partners.


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)