Danube´s Archaeological eLandscapes - Mobility Actions as Learning Interactions in Museums


Mobility Actions - future involvement of museums in archaeological landscapes & INVITATION CLOSURE EVENT


Mobility Actions were planned as learning interactions between key actors in museums. The partners defined the topics for the future involvement of museums in archaeological landscapes and chose host institutions in different countries. Short but intense meetings (one or two weeks) of smaller groups of experts followed to work together on the predefined topic. Our partner chose:

  • Archaeological museum in Zagreb (AMZ) “Cultural routes”
  • Universalmuseum Joanneum (UMJ) “Public Archaeology”
  • Hungarian National Museum (HNM) "Archaeological heritage tourism and smart landscape management in the 21st Century"
  • National Museum of Slovenia (NMS) ”E-heritage. Everything Else is the Past”
  • Rousse Regional Museum of History (RRMH) “Landscape Narratives”
  • Technical University of Kosice  (TUKE) “Summer school: Protection and management of landscapes and research of landscapes” 

The intensive work was concluded with conferences, workshops, small exhibitions with guest curators or public events with all teams present. 

And we cordially invite you to our closure event in Zagreb!
The Arheološki muzej u Zagrebu - AMZ organizes, together with the partners, the closing event for the project, where we celebrate the successful completion of the Interreg project Danube's Archaeological eLandscape along the Danube Basin. One of the highlights of this 2-day event is the Iron Age Danube Route certification ceremony as Cultural Route of the Council of Europe and various forward-looking project promotion events.



Archaeological museum in Zagreb:  “Cultural routes”


Presentation, promotion and sustainable management of archaeological landscapes and heritage were the focus of the Mobility Action project program held in the Archaeological museum in Zagreb from September 20th to 30th, 2021.

The main topic was the issue of cultural routes. Domestic and international experts provided answers to the questions
• What is a cultural route?
• How to choose the topic of a cultural route?
• How to develop and manage a cultural route?
• How to increase the visibility and recognisability of the cultural route?


Universalmuseum Joanneum: “Public Archaeology”


For  the Mobility Action in Austria, the theme was “Public Archaeology”. Under this term, the participation and cooperation of the general public in archaeological research and dissemination were united. This was also correlated with the themes of landscapes and new technologies and took place over three weeks from May 10th to May 25th 2022.

1st week: the international and national focused on the topic with a conference and excursion
2nd week: the focus was on schools with the workshop "Geschichte aus der Kiste. Virtuelle Zeitreise"
3rd week: the focus was on the region of Neumarkt i. d. Stmk. with the "Archaeology days" at school, an object-determination day and a lecture


Hungarian National Museum: "Archaeological heritage tourism and smart landscape management in the 21st Century"


The Hungarian mobility actions of curators and heritage managers focused on archaeology and visualization and aimed to strengthen the future cooperation of the HNM at national and international levels with museums having archaeological collections. Furthermore, these programs aimed to expand the connectivity and active involvement of stakeholders in heritage management.

The first step was the opening of the VR room in Budapest on 25th April 2022, which was followed by thematic programs focusing on cultural routes, archaeology & visualization, programs for children, a training school for undergraduate students and an international heritage tourism conference held in Veszprém (these events were held from 26th April to 5th May).


National Museum of Slovenia: ”E-heritage. Everything Else is the Past”


The Mobility Action event was titled “E-heritage. Everything else is the past”. The main purpose of it was to strengthen the transnational cooperation of partner museums in the field of digital agendas and archaeological landscapes research to increase the knowledge transfer and collaboration between key institutions in the region.

The MA was organized on 5 consecutive days, between November 8th and 11th, 2021 on the premises of the National Museum of Slovenia, Park of Military History Pivka, Prem Castle, Botanic Garden of University of Maribor Pivola and Regional tourist centre Septarija, as well as partially online (2nd and 3rd day).



Rousse Regional Museum of History: “Landscape Narratives”


The Mobility Action in Ruse was hosted by the Rousse Regional Museum of History on June 17-19, 2022. The core of the Mobility Action was the presentation event with a discussion panel entitled “Landscape Narratives”. The event was attended by specialists in various fields of heritage from Northeastern Bulgaria and the Lead Beneficiary. The occasion also presented the opened Virtual Room in Rousse, elaborated by the project “Danube’s Archaeological eLandscapes”.


Technical University of Kosice:  “Summer school: Protection and management of landscapes and research of landscapes” 


Partners of the Danube´s Archaeological eLandscapes met for two days in Košice (Slovakia) for the last Mobility Action and an Industry forum. During these days, productive Mobility Actions and the future-oriented Industry Forum took place together. Partners from the Danube region met the audience and experts in Kosice.


Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
E-mail: danube@interreg-danube.eu  | Web: www.interreg-danube.eu


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)