InnoSchool - New Year, New InnoSchool!


Facts from the Pilot


With the InnoSchool Pilot finished and our project going into the final steps of implementation, here are a few interesting facts on the impact that our highly innovative learning system InnoSchool had in the schools that it was implemented and on the students and teachers.


View the full infographic click here.



InnoSchool brochure


Curious to discover more information relating to the implementation of InnoSchool in 84 schools from 9 European countries?


Read our InnoSchool brochure to find out more facts and interesting information from our territorial case studies.


View the InnoSchool Brochure here.



InnoSchool Closing Conference 


With the final steps of the project rapidly approaching, we would like to invite you to join us for our final InnoSchool Closing Conference that will be held as a half day, online event.


During the conference you will be able to learn more about the new InnoSchool X version and what are our future plans for the ILS. Also, thanks to our panel discussion “InnoSchool and the next steps in social entrepreneurship” you will find out directly from policy body representatives how they see InnoSchool in the next years.


Do you want to participate? Fill in the form with the required information on this link.



Find InnoSchool on Social Media


Stay tuned for the last updates on the new InnoSchool events by following our:






and YouTube 


For any questions, please contact us here.


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)