Danube Floodplain - Project ends on 30 November




30 November marks the end of the Interreg Danube Floodplain project. The project aimed to improve knowledge among the Danube countries on integrative water management through restoration of floodplains, combination of grey and green infrastructure, natural retention measures, involving all related stakeholders, whose cooperation is very important in the planning and realization of such projects. Water level projections have been modelled in 5 selected project areas. Results of the modelling shows that enhancing the area of the floodplains increases the amount of water storage capacity, while flood water levels decrease. All the project outputs together with the Danube Floodplain GIS are available on the project’s website.


International Stakeholder Meeting and Expert Training


Within the Danube Floodplain project two important meetings took place in September, the Experts Training Meeting in 21-22 September and the second International Stakeholder Meeting in 22-23 September. Due to the actual pandemic covid-19 event both meetings were held in an online format (only some Romanian representatives attended physically). The meetings were organized by the LP - National Administration Romanian Waters. Read more about the two events on the project’s website.


Successful Steering Committee and Closing Meeting


The members of the Danube Floodplain project consortium held the projects last Steering Committee and Closing Meeting on 3-4 November. The meetings were held online due to the pandemic. At the meeting project partners introduced the activities and project deliverables completed during the project and discussed the finalization of the ongoing tasks which is to be take place by the end of November. For more about the two events, click here.


Danube Floodplain GIS


The Danube Floodplain GIS is a spatial database storing all results of the Danube Floodplain project. Via a public web-based interface, the data is available in the form of interactive maps. The results of the Floodplain Evaluation Matrix (FEM) modelling for active and potential floodplains of the Danube and tributary rivers can be visualized and downloaded. The FEM results can also be accessed in textual form as the Danube Floodplain Inventory. The Danube Floodplain GIS is available from the project’s website.


Danube Floodplain Online Course is open until 7 December 2021


The Danube Floodplain Online Course addresses young and mid-level professionals from local, regional or national water authorities and disaster risk reduction area, the SMEs working in flood, water management sector, and students –the future managers. The Course is open to all who are willing to develop competences in floodplain management. Learners can start and complete the course materials at any time. Take the course here.


Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
E-mail: danube@interreg-danube.eu  | Web: www.interreg-danube.eu


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)