







The Danube Region holds huge potential for sustainable generation and storage of renewable energy. However, to date this region is highly dependent on energy imports, while energy efficiency, diversity and renewables share are low. In line with the EU climate targets for 2030 and the “European Strategy for the Danube Region” goals DanuP-2-Gas will advance transnational energy planning by promoting generation and storage strategies for renewables in the Danube Region by coupling the electric power and gas sector. 



To support diversification of energy sources as well as to strengthen generation and storage strategies for renewables in the Danube region by advancing the electric power and gas sector coupling in regional energy planning.






Welcome to the 6th official newsletter of the DanuP-2-Gas project! 


At the beginning of July, the project has commenced its third implementation period which will last until the end of the year 2021. 


The consortium has been keeping busy delivering expected results and reaching project objectives. National and European subsidies, that can potentially support the project ideas related to DanuP-2-Gas concept of sector coupling hubs in the participating countries and beyond, have been collected in the Subsidies Catalogue. The list of funding instruments will be available via the Danube Energy Platform, which will be launched soon. To complement the upcoming platform with the Transnational Renewable Energy Atlas tool, partners have put a lot of attention to the collection of the data on the topics of biomass availability and existing infrastructure in participating countries. Moreover, to provide legal and policy situations for sector coupling, partners have been analysing legal frameworks related to P2G and are now in the process of identifying obstacles and barriers that apply to the respective country. All of the ongoing activities, as well as the future project plan, were discussed at the project partner meeting and stakeholder event that was organized between 27th and 28th September in Zagreb, Croatia and online. 




3rd Partner meeting and Stakeholder Event




On 27th and 28th September 2021, DanuP-2-Gas project stakeholders and representatives of partner organisations met in person for the first time since the project started. The two-day hybrid event, which was hosted by the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, took place in Zagreb, Croatia.   



Day one of the event was dedicated to the First Year Review meeting and the 3rd project partner meeting. Project consortium met virtually with the MA/JS DTP Project officer, Mr. Horst Schindler and updated him on the project implementation status, the progress of all activities, deliverables, outputs, and potential challenges to overcome until the end of the project. The partner meeting, which took place in the afternoon, focused on thematic work package workshops.  

        Image 1: Partner meeting in Zagreb, Croatia


Project partners discussed future steps to reach set objectives and shared their experience on the implementation of thematic project activities on a national level. During the meeting, a special focus was put also on the status of project communications and the plan for future dissemination activities that will engage as many stakeholders and the public as possible. The meeting was closed to the public. 


The Stakeholder event took place on 28th September. The event, which was available for public access, brought together project stakeholders, partners and all interested parties. To provide a possibility for joining the event to as many people as possible, it was organized in a hybrid way, allowing on-site and online participation. The event programme focused on the topics of renewable energy, power-to-gas, sectors coupling and more. Speakers at the event were project partners as well as external project stakeholders and representatives of key target groups. 


Image 2: Project partners and stakeholders


The event was opened and moderated by Mr. Mario Vašak, the representative of the hosting organization. After a warm welcome and introductory speech, the first speaker Ms. Astrid Heindel from project leading organization, Technology Centre for Energy, University of Applied Sciences Landshut, presented the DanuP-2-Gas project in detail, addressing all relevant aspects and challenges to address. Speakers coming from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. Dejan Stojadinović and Mr. Mile Međugorac gave insight into countries’ status on biomass, renewables potential, potentials for renewable hydrogen production and legal framework. The remaining part of the event focused on the situation in Croatia more in detail. Ms. Nataša Putak presented the role of Croatian Energy Market Operator in supporting renewable energy in Croatia, Mr. Tonći Panza talked about Energy Park ”Ravne” Pag and Prof. Neven Duić provided a detailed insight into possibilities and perspectives of biomass, electricity and gas sectors coupling in Croatia via Power to gas Hubs. 


List of speakers and their presentations: 


Project Status, Updates and Perspectives for Stakeholders

Astrid Heindel, Technology Centre Energy - University of Applied Sciences Landshut 


Biomass Assessment, Renewables Potential, Infrastructure, Policy and Legal Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mile Međugorac, JP Elektroprivreda Hrvatske Zajednice Herceg Bosne d.d. Mostar  


Potentials for Renewable Hydrogen Production in Serbia

Dejan Stojadinović, Regional Agency for Socio-Economic Development–Banat Ltd 


The Role of Croatian Energy Market Operator in Supporting Renewable Energy in Croatia – Experiences and Perspectives

Nataša Putak, Croatian Energy Market Operator  


Repowering of the First Wind Farm in Croatia with Photovoltaics and Hydrogen Production - Energy Park ”Ravne” Pag

Tonći Panza, Adria Wind Power  


Possibilities and Perspectives of Biomass, Electricity and Gas Sectors Coupling in Croatia via Power-to-gas Hubs

Prof. Neven Duić, International Centre for Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems  


The overall impression of the event from attendees was very positive. The next time partners meet each other will be for the Mid-term event organized by the lead partner of the project, Technology Centre Energy - University of Applied Sciences Landshut (TZE). Due to the latest uncertain situation with the COVID-19, the mid-term event will be switched to online only. Nonetheless, all project partners are looking forward to the next meeting to share knowledge and create synergies with stakeholders. 





DanuP-2-Gas project on social media:  


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We will regularly provide updates about the ongoing project activities, progress and achieved results in addition to following important developments on #renewable energy, #energy storage, #biomass, #biogas and #waste management, #fuel cells and #hydrogen, #sector coupling and other relevant topics within Europe and globally.




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Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
E-mail: danube@interreg-danube.eu  | Web: www.interreg-danube.eu


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)