
A New book – Perspectives for forest and conservation management in riparian forests


This book brings a comprehensive overview of various topics regarding riparian forests and their management and conservation in Mura-Drava-Danube Biosphere Reserve.


The book covers a number of different forestry disciplines. The book is intended for forestry and nature protection professionals as well as all interested in riparian forests. Whether your interest lays in history of those forests or you are looking for overview on pest and diseases in different riparian tree species, or maybe you are interested in stakeholder perspectives – the book have it all covered, among other.


Also, book is available in several languages (English, German, Slovenian, Croatian and Serbian) and free to download here.





Stakeholder conference at Hunting Lodge Peski near Djurdjevac, Croatia (Photo: Marin Horovski)


Due to ever changing circumstances our final stakeholder conference was organized on 12-13/5/2021 as a two-day hybrid event. The physical event took place at Hunting Lodge Peski in Djurdjevac (Croatia), but also all interested had the opportunity to join online via Zoom.


The first day was focused on various aspects of riparian forest conservation and management in Mura-Drava-Danube Biosphere Reserve. The second day was all about DanubeForestHealth information system. Training on the second day was held by Nikica Ogris from Slovenian Forestry Institute and main developer of the DanubeForestHealth information system.


Recording of the first day of the conference is available on YouTube, and individual video presentations of REFOCuS project results here.



It’s been a great ride!


Sadly, REFOCuS project is coming to its end and this is our last newsletter. We are already feeling nostalgic when looking all the hard work and good time we had in the past three years or so. We would like to thank all project partners for their collaboration and company. Also, we would like to thank everyone who has been involved in REFOCuS project in any sense. Special thanks goes to all of you who followed project through this newsletter. We hope our results would be beneficial for enhancement of forest management and conservation of riparian forest in Mura-Drava-Danube Biosphere Reserve as well as a good basis for future research.


Your REFOCuS team



Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)