
Dear ISTER partners and friends,

Keeping you up-to-date on the ISTER - ConnectIng hiSTorical Danube rEgions Roman routes project, you will find 6 articles in this Third Edition of our e-newsletter on project progress and upcoming important events as well as presentations for some of the consortium members written by ISTER partners.


ISTER International Best Practices Awards


ISTER International Best Practices Awards (ISTER IBP Awards) is a competition organised by EU funded project ISTER (ConnectIng hiSTorical Danube rEgions Roman routes).


If you have developed an innovative project or initiative for protection, preservetion, management, valorisation or sustainable use of cultural heritage to the Roman legacy at Danube Region level, apply by 30 November 2021! For application and more information on eligibility and awards criteria, online application and important dates, visit the ISTER IBP Awards landing page.   read more


Upcoming presentation of the ISTER project during the EURegionsWeek


During the EURegionsWeek within the workshop “Cultural heritage, cohesion policies and wellbeing: a virtuous circle”, (13th of October, 11.30-13.00 CET) the ISTER project will be presented as a real example of the contribution of cultural heritage to public welfare and local development due to EU cohesion policy.   read more 


ISTER consortium first physical meeting in Alba Iulia


Before Covid-19 crisis, no one would have ever imagine that a project partners meeting would provoke such euphoria and empathy.

On 15 and 16 September 2021 - a year after the start of the ISTER project - participants from the ISTER consortium had the opportunity to meet in the beautiful Romanian city of Alba Iulia, where the Municipality of Alba Iulia (ISTER project partner) was host of the hybrid event (physical and online).   read more


Bulgaria Economic Forum - leader of WP Communications of the ISTER project


Bulgaria Economic Forum (BEF) is a non-profit legal entity that promotes the business environment of Bulgaria to potential foreign investors and facilitates dialog between government and business.

BEF contributes to ISTER project with its communication experience and as a leader of WP Communications is responsible for coordination and timely implementation of the communication activities by all consortium partners.   read more


The City Museum in Ljubljana - the institution that combines traditional with modern museological tools  


City Museum of Ljubljana (MGML) is an institution that covers the history of the Slovenian capital from prehistory to the present day and has been organizing high-qualuty archeological exhibitions for more than half a century.

Along with traditional museological tools, MGML is looking for new ways of communication, such as educational, interactive and installation-based exhibitions.

MGML is a territorial partner within the ISTER project.   read more




Danube Development Transnational Group Nonprofit (DDTG) deals prymarily with international cooperation projects in the fields of culture, creative industry and sustainable and regional development.

DDTG provides consulting services for SMEs, local authorities and subregions, organizes expert meetings and training courses, implements development programs.   read more


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)