






RARE- 24/05 Steering Committee and 1st Thematic Working Group meeting

incl. preparatory training is going on!

Partners of RARE project have a meeting in Bucharest from the 24th of May. It will be the first time, that the members of the Advisory Board will have a meeting.

In the same time preparatory training will be held. Partners will learn from media experts the tools, techniques and methods  for marketing, sensitisation and social mobilisation (incl. social media marketing, creating public awareness & social mobilisation techniques).

The trainer will be Tudor MUSAT. Tudor is a broadcast journalist with nearly 25 years of experience and a certified trainer. Currently TV anchor and moderator at Digi24 national news network, Tudor was previously a talk-show host and anchor at Realitatea TV news channel, and Radio Total and Realitatea FM radio networks. He was also a broadcast journalist and producer at BBC World Service, London, for two years.As a journalism trainer, he teaches TV reporting and interviewing techniques at Media FEM and The Nest Project and is a regular guest speaker at the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Bucharest. 


Good Practises

Enterprenaures, social coorporations, protected workpalaces- in the framework of RARE (Roma as Resources) project we are going to visit and introduce good practises on the labour market. 8 projects will be visited by experts, who will assess the stenghten and the weekness of these innitiatives by the review guide.They will share their experiences with the partners, which will be an important know-how for the implementations of the pilots.

Milestones for the next 6 months

Joint deficiency map
Adaptation of economic projection
Good practice peer review guide and visiting GPs
Pilot projects implementation




World Bank-Roma Inclusion: An Economic Opportunity for Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Romania and Serbia


An EU survey on Roma employment





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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)