DAREFFORT - Provides More Effective Flood Protection by Delivering Real-time Data Exchange Between 12 Countries of the Danube Basin



DAREFFORT CONTRIBUTES TO More Effective Flood Protection by Delivering Real-time Data Exchange


Due to the pandemic, the final conference was organised for the DAREFFORT (Danube River Basin Enhanced Flood Forecasting Cooperation) project in the virtual space, connecting. nearly 100 registered participants, who were well aware of the real value that was created in the last 3 years. Today's extreme weather conditions have a significant impact on the level of our natural waters, and may cost not only millions of euros, but many lives in Europe. The demand for more accurate flood forecasting has increased, as extreme water levels has become more and more frequent in the past two decades. A harmonysed system could improve flood protection by providing precious time advantage in case of emergency.


The results of the DAREFFORT project represent an important step towards the establishment of the Danube Hydrological Information System (DanubeHIS), designed by the International Comission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR). Furthermore the provision of data to the EFAS (European Flood Awareness System) may also be viable.


More about the final steps of the DAREFFORT project -->



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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)