RESTART_4Danube - Newsletter 3/2021

  • RESTART_4Danube’s 1st Work Package

The aim of the first work package in the first period was to map cultural and creative industries in Danube region’s urban communities with the School of Advanced Social Studies (SASS) from Slovenia as work package leader. 10 project partners, supported by their associated partners, worked on this task.

The preconditions for a favorable environment for CCIs are different in the aforementioned countries. Shortly, the findings of the Compendium can be summarized as follows:
- Good practices for the strengthening of CCIs are centers or associations for creative industries with various offers: workspaces, educational programs, trainings and workshops, research institutes, network opportunities and consultation.
- Good practices for creating spill-over effects can also be compiled as centers or associations, mainly. They are created at local or national level in the countries.

The radar diagram in the picture illustrates all dimensions, countries and levels:









In addition to the main Danubian baseline study with regional reports and a final deliverable comprised by SASS, Carinthia University of Applied Science (CUAS) was responsible for the Compendium of good practices for strengthening cultural and creative industries (CCIs) in Danube urban communities. Based on the results of the regional reports, the highlights of Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, Slovenia and Ukraine are included. Besides, the associated partner Nova Iskra Creative Hub included good practices in Serbia. The Compendium contains the dimensions that are creating favorable preconditions for developing and strengthening CCIs, generating spill-over effects with the rest of the society and economy. For every dimension, one example is presented per Danube urban community (either at a national, regional, local, or individual level).


This contribution was made possible by Thomas Zametter & Kathrin Zupan from CUAS, many thanks!

  • getting in touch with our followers

At the beginning of February, RESTART_4Danube tried to get in direct contact with its followers on the social media platforms and to involve them in the further configuration of the project’s communication activities. In this regard, a poll has been posted:



As the results show, people got actively involved and expressed their opinions and interests, so this can be considered a successful action! In the picture you can see the collected answers (only) from our Facebook and Instagram polls.


Thank you very much for your participation!


  • preparing the project's Local Action Plans

As part of the 1st work package, the project partners started to prepare the networking and design of the core topic in RESTART_4Danube – the 5 Local Action Plans LAPs.

The LAPs are one of the main project outputs and will improve the institutional and infrastructural framework conditions for research and innovation, directly and positively contributing to a sustainable development of the 5 cities: Craiova, Rijeka, Maribor, Vas County, Vratsa.

In order to get in contact with regional stakeholders and to raise awareness and interest among the public, while simultaneously aiming at involving them in the process of designing the LAPs, individual partners have organized and still will organize (at the end of the Newsletter) a series of workshops in different formats for their local/regional community.

Until now, 2 Policivil WS and 1 Follower Policivil WS (by ODIMM & IACH in Moldova) have taken place:



Both Policivil WS (on the first line, on 25 & 30 of March) will be detailed in the following:

  • LAP 1 – Policivil Workshop Craiova, romania

The 1st Policivil Workshop organized by the two RESTART_4Danube teams from Craiova gathered around 70 stakeholders.



Actors covering a large spectrum of backgrounds – independent artists, cultural institutions – music & theater, young entrepreneurs, international companies, Regional Development Agency, University & R&D institutes, SME, civil society.

The present stakeholders got informed about the project, its aims, and achievements so far. A very lively discussion took place in the last hour, with actors expressing opinions and wishes, but also giving suggestions.

With this in mind, the joint teams from Craiova got a lot of important input to start planning the implementation of their LAP in project period 3.

  • LAP 3 – Policivil Workshop Maribor, Slovenia

The Slovenian workshop gathered all relevant actors in the field of Creative Industries in Slovenia and focused on state-of-the art and the future development of Creative Industries sector in Slovenia.

The meeting presented itself as a foundation for setting up the Slovenian network of creative urban service hubs, who are intended to join forces to create a proper long-term strategy for the development of Creative Industries sector in Slovenia.

Since the organizer – University of Maribor – is also the entry point for the Enterprise Europe Network EEN in Slovenia, the Sector group Creative Industries, a special presentation on the opportunities that the EEN offers has also been held and informed the participants about the activities and possibilities of EEN.


As promised in the last newsletter, the Lead Partners of the projects RESTART_4Danube and CINEMA got a small team of partners from their consortiums together in an online meeting at the beginning of February.

Grit Ackerman (LP in CINEMA) and Alexandru Marin (LP in RESTART_4Danube), together with 4 other partner organisations (2 from each project) had as main topic of discussions the Annual EUSDR Forum in Slovakia, in which they plan to undertake a joint event.



The most important decision reached in this meeting, which will strengthen the synergy and the knowledge and experience exchange between the 2 projects, was that it will become a normal practice for the representatives of CINEMA and RESTART_4Danube to meet once every 2 months.


Grit Ackerman (GZS)
Tanja Faganel (CCIS),
Margit Wolf (WRS)

Alexandru Marin (UPB),
Laura Boanta (UPB),
Miljana Cosic (S2i),
Irina-Maria Coifescu (S2i),
Tamara Valič (FIŠ)

Moreover, the participants to the meeting agreed on developing common activities during the entire implementation duration.

  • Ccis & ur in the danube region - romania

"City-easel": Good Practices in Sibiu for organizing a street art festival



The main objective assumed by the SISAF Festival (Sibiu International Street Art Festival) is the revitalization of the urban space through art. Damaged facades and unsightly heels have become centers of animation of the local community, but also objectives of interest for tourists. In the current conditions, in which the spread of COVID-19 has accustomed us to spend more and more time in our homes, initiatives that support artistic interventions in the public space are welcome and can contribute to strengthening the feeling of belonging to the community.

The festival is organized by the Art Factory Transylvania Association, benefiting from co-financing from the Sibiu City Hall and the Sibiu Local Council, through the Cultural Agenda. And in 2020, the festival took place in safe conditions, respecting public health measures, being allocated the amount of 150.000 RON (around 30.000 EUR). Public administration is a key player because it facilitates both the dialogue with public institutions where the drawings are to be made (schools, high schools, other public spaces) and the dialogue with citizens and owners' associations.

SISAF Festival



The new Heart of Vratsa

The project for reconstruction and renovation of the park in the Sports Complex "Hristo Botev" with an area of over 77 decares is ready. The current alley network will be preserved, as well as all existing and suitable trees. The park will be enriched with new types of tall plantations, in accordance with the climatic conditions in Vratsa.



Four main areas are envisaged:
Zone 1 - for children's play, outdoor fitness, and amphitheater for events
Zone 2 - for extreme sports, skate, and Pump Track
Zone 3 - for recreation, with a lake of 2 decares. and water effects
Zone 4 - for amusement park, Ferris wheel with a diameter of 32 m and a unique view of the Balkans, as well as Picnic area

The renovated park will also have alleys for cycling and jogging, an area for walking and training pets, places to eat and many attractions.

It is planned to build a public parking lot with 80 spaces, update the pavement of all alleys, new modern lighting, and irrigation system.

The project is a major priority for the development of the urban environment of Vratsa and is set in the Plan for integrated development of the municipality for the period 2021-2027.

Picture & news

  • ccis & ur in the danube region - croatia

Project "VARTEKS neighbourhood – urban regeneration" – modernization of the leading Croatian fashion and textile company in the segment of clothing production and sales, founded in 1918.



Through 100 years of existence and work, Varteks has created fashion and become synonymous for classic elegance. The production of clothing for the world's largest brands such as Hugo Boss, J. Lindeberg, and Zadig & Voltaire is a guarantee of excellence. After the difficult financial situation and the Covid-19 pandemic, the desire is to maintain the development of Varteks' business and preserve existing jobs with this project. The Government of the Republic of Croatia will be instructed to adopt the Decision on the proclamation of this strategic investment project in the amount of investment of 1.2 billion HRK (aprox. 158.500.000 EUR). In this phase of project implementation, it is accepted that it will be implemented as a project of transport and communal infrastructure "VARTEKS neighbourhood – urban regeneration" in order to enable the implementation of urban transformation and regeneration of the business complex Varteks.


  • ccis & ur in the danube region - rijeka, croatia

Opening of the Children's House in Rijeka - A unique Facility in Croatia

In the new cultural art-quarter that is being created in the complex of the former factory of Rikard Benčić, the 3rd building in a row was ceremoniously opened. This one is the most special, cheerful and colorful, and represents one of the most beautiful stories in the project of the European Capital of Culture in Rijeka. Children’s’ house is a cultural center intended for children, which has not existed in Croatia so far, and does not exist in the surrounding countries.

The mayor of Rijeka, Vojko Obersnel, emphasized that he had opened many projects during his long term as mayor, but pointed out that he was especially pleased with the opening of the Children's House. “This House is the brightest example of everything that the European Capital of Culture project represents. Until recently known as the Brick Building, and now the Children's House, it is a legacy that will remain for generations to come, in every sense of the word”, said Mayor Obersnel, thanking the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds for their support, associates and employees of cultural institutions on a great deal of effort.

In any case, the Children's House in Rijeka already represents a huge creative potential that will, sooner or later, welcome its little tenants, and these are the children of city of Rijeka and its wider surroundings, but also the visitors from other cities, regions and countries. All of them will be able to attend puppet shows, film screenings for children, exhibitions and various creative workshops, thus absorbing and receiving culture, while also actively creating.


City of Rijeka

  • partner's upcoming event

PBN is co-organizing an international event about services of digital innovation hubs from an international co-operational perspective (cross-border, macroregional, European and outside of Europe), which will be held online via MT Teams on 20th April, 10.00-12.00.


The aim of the event is to present the opportunities of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) in the programming period 2021-2027 to be able to support European companies in their digital transformation. SMEs, start-ups, research, and technology organizations, DIHs, and policymakers from all around Europe are invited to participate.


Please, find hereby all the information & registration link:

- Facebook

- LinkedIn

- Event page



In the enclosed table, you can find the planned events to be organized by RESTART_4Danube partners during the next 3 months:

Detailed information regarding all these events and the registration & participation links will be made available on the social media channels in the next days. Stay tuned to our pages:


More about the people who attended, the topics discussed, and the conclusions reached during these future Workshops will be presented to you in our following Newsletter.

Until then, we are wishing you sunshine, good times and a very happy Easter!









Policivil Workshops

Follower Policivil Workshops

Policy Dialogue Workshops

Excepting the listed events, the consortium meets two time at the mid of April with different scopes:

1st Taskforce meeting - 14.4.2021

2nd SCOM - 15.4.2021





Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)