
What we have been up to…


Welcome to the 2nd official newsletter of the DanuP-2-Gas project! With 2021 the project has commenced its second implementation period which will last until the end of June 2021. At present DanuP-2-Gas is primarily focused on the continued development of the framework for acquisition and documentation of relevant content related to the potentials and opportunities for supporting uptake of renewable energy generation and novel energy storage technologies through sector coupling in project partner countries.

Most notably, the partners have been involved in establishing the methodologies and underlying structure for the collection of critical user input on the topics of 1. biomass availability assessment and existing infrastructure for identifying and optimizing sector coupling potentials and 2. user requirements about the interface and main functionality of the Danube Energy Platform in development. The user input will be collected in the following months through a recently launched public call for feedback.

The partners have also jointly worked on the finalization of the Structure for framework assessment of the national policy context which will provide the basis for developing the country reports outlining feasibility and potential legal as well as administrative barriers for implementing investments related to the focus technologies and sectors of DanuP-2-Gas.

In addition, project partners have also been focused on completing the structure of the Subsidies Catalogue that will provide a comprehensive overview on available funding programmes and mechanisms on the regional, national and international level, which could be applied to support investment into energy security, bioenergy, sector coupling and other areas related to the main thematic interest of DanuP-2-Gas. The partners have also commenced with the provision of initial data input regarding existing support mechanisms specific to their regional and national context.

We invite you to read through the newsletter for more information.


Invitation to the next Project Partner Meeting


Every six months, DanuP-2-Gas project partners, associated strategic partners and interested external stakeholders come together to discuss the project progress and future steps, to network and look for synergies and to jointly provide valuable input about the status quo, which opportunities exist and are worthy of pursuing, how to maximise the project’s impact across the Danube region.

We kindly invite you to participate in the next official project and stakeholder meeting that will take place on March 3rd, 2021, from 9am to 3pm CET. The meeting will be held online in the form of a videoconference.

The formal invitation and draft agenda for the event is available by accessing the following link:


Please register for the event through the registration form available on this link:


Please note that the registration form requires a Google Account. In the event this is not available, please contact the organizer directly by sending an email to info@kssena.velenje.eu.

We look forward to your participation!


Call for feedback!


One of the core development principals of DanuP-2-Gas aimed at supporting investment and uptake of focus technologies is to elaborate an interactive platform for stakeholders to find optimal locations for the installation of biomass conversion plants in the Danube region.


DanuP-2-Gas builds upon the ENERGY BARGE project co-funded by the European Union through within the Danube Transnational Programme. One of the core outputs of the ENERGY BARGE project was the “Modal Shift Platform” (available at https://www.energy-barge.eu/atlas?show=modalshift) applied for the exchange of experiences and best practices amongst key stakeholders, as well as for extending the deployment of biomass for energy production in the Danube region. This will provide the basis on which the Danube Energy Platform will be established.



In order to design the platform according to the needs and wishes of the future users, we are collecting input from stakeholders in the form of two questionnaires. The first questionnaire is about the functionality and content of the platform in general, the second one is specifically about data on infrastructure and biomass resources and which data is needed in concrete terms. Filling out the questionnaires takes about 15 minutes each.



We kindly ask you to take the time and use your expertise to help us create a better platform. Thank you very much in advance for your participation!

Links to the questionnaires:

Danube Energy Platform:


Biomass and Infrastructure databases:



DanuP-2-Gas on social media


You can now follow the DanuP-2-Gas project on social media:

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We will regularly provide updates about the ongoing project activities, progress and achieved results in addition to following important developments on #renewable energy, #energy storage, #biomass, #biogas and #waste management, #fuel cells and #hydrogen, #sector coupling and other relevant topics within Europe and globally.

Follow us to stay updated at all times!



Territorial perspectives and development potentials: Savinjska region

With a surface area of 2301 km2 and a population of 257,425 (2019), roughly 12% of the country total, Savinjska is the 3rd largest statistical region (NUTS3) in Slovenia. The region is named after the Savinja river, which has a source in the Rinka Falls and is the main river of the Savinja Alps as well as the longest river that flows exclusively through Slovenia territory. It flows through northeast Slovenia into the Sava River at the town of Zidani Most. The regions centre is the city of Celje, with less than 38 thousand inhabitants also the third largest in Slovenia. The region has high untapped potentials of biomass and biogas, solar as well as low-temperature geothermal energy.

The City municipality of Celje has been very active in the fields related to sustainable development and climate change mitigation for well over a decade. The municipality adhered to the Covenant of Mayors initiative with the acceptance of the Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) back in 2013. Since then, it has invested substantially into technologies for reducing GHG emission in energy generation, mobility and waste management. Natural gas and biomass represent the major sources of energy for heating, making use of a district heating system that is partially supplied by waste disposal in the regional centre for waste management RCERO. In accordance to the national objectives regarding the establishment of alternative fuels infrastructure the city also commenced its public transport system Celebus fuelled by compressed natural gas (CNG) in 2019. The city is located on the Mediterranean and Baltic-Adriatic core network corridors of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T).


More information about the pilot regions as well as other content will be made available thorugh the official project website as well as on the thematic digital showcase room hosted on Mozilla Hubs. You can access the virtual showcase room with this link  https://hub.link/cEHbJQt.​ 



For further Information about the DanuP-2-Gas project...


visit the official project website at http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/danup-2-gas

contact us at info@kssena.velenje.eu or astrid.heindel@haw-landshut.de

or follow us on social media!


Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
E-mail: danube@interreg-danube.eu  | Web: www.interreg-danube.eu


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)