Smart Building - Smart Grid - Smart City Newsletter May 2017


about interreg danube traNsnational programme


The Interreg Danube Transnational Programme (DTP) supports transnational cooperation in the heterogeneous Danube region and solves common challenges and needs in the following four specific areas – innovative and socially responsible Danube region, culturally and ecologically responsible Danube region, better connected and energy responsible Danube region, well governed Danube region.

3smart - project overview


Smart Building - Smart Grid - Smart City (3Smart) is a DTP project that runs for 30 months, from 1st January 2017 to 30th June 2019. The main goal of the project is to provide a technological and legislative setup for cross-spanning energy management of buildings, energy grids and major city infrastructures in the Danube region. This includes the development of a modular platform for coordinated building and distribution grid energy management. The developed platform will be installed on 5 pilot locations in 5 countries (Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Hungary and Bosnia and Herzegovina), and comprehensive cost-benefit analysis will be performed to verify the platform’s performance.

  • 3Smart will enable economically optimal interoperation of energy efficiency measures and renewable energy sources in buildings, and will motivate installation of distributed storages to improve energy security in the Danube region.
  • Major innovative moment is in vertical two-way synchronization through all the platform modules via simple interfaces to attain optimal operation of the buildings and the grid, and easy modules add-on to the existing systems.

project in numbers


Start date: 01-01-2017

End date: 30-06-2019


Budget in Euro: Overall: 3.791.343,41

       ERDF Contribution: 2.684.885,78

                IPA Contribution: 537.756,07


project partners and ASSOCIATED STRATEGIC PARtners


concept of the 3smart platform


events organized


On 16th January 2017 a public presentation of the 3Smart project was held in Zagreb on the premises of University of Zagreb
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing who is the lead partner on the project. The event attracted a significant number of
participants from different sectors representing government, industry and academia. The public presentation material is on the project web.


3smart publications



"Modular energy cost optimization for buildings with integrated microgrid"


Vinko Lešić, Anita Martinčević, Mario Vašak

Applied Energy, Volume 197; 1 July 2017, Pages 14–28




Public tender for equipment delivery and installation on the pilot buildings – estimated June 2017.


3smart presentation



Seminar ‘Possibilities of Renewable Energy Sources Application"


Croatian Academy of Engineering: Advanced Control for Energy-efficient Buildings


Lider Conference: "Smart Cities 2017"


PLC+ regional challenge for students


EGE Technical magazine




Jutarnji list





3Smart is a member of Thematic Pole 8 – Sustainable Energy, part of DTP Capitalization Strategy. The pole aim is to reinforce the influence of sustainable energy community to the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (Priority Area 2 of the EUSDR „To Encourage More Sustainable Energy.") and further programming of EU funds investment to sustainable energy by pointing out new potentials in the area of sustainable energy crossing real-time energy management in buildings and grids, deep geothermal sources management and biomass supply chain managementThe pole should also contribute to other poles to enforce multidisciplinary approaches including sustainable energy in other priority areas of the EUSDR, e.g. in environment management.



3smart contact info


Assoc. Prof. Mario Vašak, Ph.D.E.E.

Department of Control and Computer Engineering

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and ComputingUniversity of Zagreb

Unska 3, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

tel. +385-1-6129-821 • fax. +385-1-6129-809


Kristina Radoš Cvišić

Financial and communication manager

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing

University of Zagreb

Unska 3, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

tel. +385-1-6129-665


Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
E-mail:  | Web:


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)