SaveGREEN - Welcome on board! | Season's greetings from SaveGREEN project partners


SaveGREEN project welcomes you on board! 

Ecological corridors are under threat in the Carpathians. This year a consortium of dedicated Eastern
Europeancountries teamed up for strengthening eco-connectivity, the backbone of Green Infrastructure.
The plan is to foster cross-sectoral and transnational cooperation as well as building comprehensive
know-hows of concrete solutions that aims improving, restoring, and preserving the functionality of key
ecological corridors in the Carpathian range, based on the learnings of the implemented methods at 8
pilot areas in Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Ukraine, Romania, and Bulgaria.

Join the journey of creating space for nature! Follow the latest SaveGREEN related news here.




Successful kick-off shows the way


Despite of the difficulties the world met in 2020 due to the global pandemic, SaveGREEN launched it's operation with an inspiring kick-off meeting, hosted by the consortium’s lead partner, WWF- Central and Eastern Europe, and the communications leader, CEEweb for Biodiversity. Almost 100 participants (including project partners, external stakeholders and experts) came together online, proving that true engagement does not know barriers when the vision is clear.   

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Ancestor project to grow up to: transgreen won the natura 2000 award 


The Natura 2000 Awards recognise conservation success stories across the EU and raise awareness of one of Europe’s outstanding achievements: the Natura 2000 network of protected areas. Among five other great projects, TRANSGREEN proved that eco- connectivity is a crucial topic that is worth working on, and set an encouraging example for its descendant project SaveGREEN and its participating partners.  


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Achieving long lasting results in nature conservation requires diverse expertise and even thought the pandemic makes it very difficult, we should not forget that protecting nature is still a crucial responsibility for all of us. Thus forming networks of sectoral collaborations via online conferences and meetups is a great way to predefine future goals now, then we can act on them later as opportunities arise. Events like EU GreenWEEK, the 18th European Week of Regions and Cities, and the invitation to rEvERsE project kick- off meeting were truly  fantastic opportunity to build those connections transnationally.


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Building connections outside  the usual  framework of a project consortium is essential, so does setting up the  inner operational  processes of the transnational  cooperation. The first half year of the project was indeed very busy with such endeavors. Some of those events were the official formation of the local working groups with the strategic partners, the Steering comittee and partner meetings, and as well as the workpackage meetings with fruitful discussions and planing.



Sad news from the CzechIA: An ACCIDENTAL EXAMPLE shows why Projects like savegreen ARE essential




In the evening hours right after the first day of the SaveGREEN Kick-off Meeting a lynx got hit by a car near the village of Chvalčov in Hostýn Hills (Eastern Moravia). This sad accident shows the problems with the current state of eco-connectivity, and why any project that aims to help on this matter like the "GREEN trilogy projects" (TRANS, Connect and SaveGREEN) are desired. These vulnerable bottleneck areas, where these large carnivores live, definitely needs support and help gaining back their crucial role in the eco-system. 

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connectgreen's success story at the hungarian pilot area establishes a great example, that Savegreen could enhance


In the past few months, in the northern mountains of Hungary, - around the pilot area of Connect GREEN project- large carnivores finally felt safe and secure enough to resettle, proving that joint efforts of the nature conservation approaches of the project achieved great results. These are the efforts that SaveGREEN wish to continue to build. The story of a brown bear that appeared in Miskolc city and the wolf pack of Bükk National Park  truly shows that no effort got wasted. 

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Upcoming events 


IENE International Conference
12th-14th January 2021
“LIFE LINES – Linear Infrastructure Networks with Ecological Solutions”- organised by the University of Évora | More info

13th January 2021
One voice to protect Mountains, Wildlife and People in times of global change- co-organised by the Alpine and Carpathian Convention | More info






SEE YOU IN 2021!



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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)