REDISCOVER - What happened to us in 2020?






Since 2020 marks the 160th anniversary of Lipót Baumhorn's birth, we commemorate his work with a series of posts on Rediscover facebook page. During this year we introduce his synagogues and most famous residential and commercial buildings.

Lipót Baumhorn (December 28, 1860 - July 8, 1932) was a magnificent Hungarian Jewish architect who built more than 20 synagogues not to mention the public buildings designed by him. His buildings manifest the characteristic features of the late Eclectic and Art Nouveau styles. He used a unique approach creating large (domed) spaces in Art Nouveau style.


Read more on Rediscover Facebook:




The Rediscover partnership held its usual half-yearly partner meeting in Banja Luka in February. The meeting originally planned as a two-day event was extended by an extra day due to the fact that the project arrived at the most crucial phase of implementation requiring a significant number of issues to be discussed.  


For further information see:




The objectives of the Danube Transnational Programme and the REDISCOVER project are achieved by the realisation of the Action Plan through territorial development and regional cooperation. The Action Plan is a written memorandum-like document for common will and common development strategies for creating innovative and new ideas in tourism, using the existing Jewish cultural heritage. The created products and services are organised in Joint Thematic Routes and the synergies give great potentials for medium-sized project partner cities to develop together.


The Action Plan formulates a manual for joint use of locally available Jewish heritage which can be used by other cities, regions as a best practice. 


The Action Plan is available at:


NEW BRAND CREATED - One heritage in eight countries


When it comes to Jewish heritage and history, it is important to mention that we all have some knowledge about it: we learned about it in school, heard about it in the media, know the basic symbols as the David Star or the menorah. Therefore this project is aiming to show the hidden, the intangible heritage in the project partner cities, people don’t always know about Judaism, and use this knowledge in order to create competitive cultural products with potential tourism prospects.


Our motto tells that the Jewish heritage we have can be vary in the partner cities in forms but the basis is still the same.


Brand book available at:




Marketing is a crucial element of any tourism product development process, and is fundamental in order to ensure the products’ sustainability. During the Stakeholder Visibility Workshops partners came to several important conclusions: being competitive in the current global tourism market means adapting to and joining the global trend with regard to quality tourism. Offering quality tourism products, services and destinations implies a close cooperation across various fields and among stakeholders from different groups.


Thus, major components of quality tourism experiences can be described in terms of attractions and activities, the social component, and support service components. Marketing is a crucial element of tourism product development, fundamental for ensuring the sustainability of the products developed and introduced.

Coming soon to the project's website: Joint Visibility Strategy



The final part of the project focuses on the implementation and testing of instruments supporting the introduction and successful market entry of the products and services developed in previous phases. Each project partner city tests local or joint tourism products or services prepared through a moderated joint planning process of online thematic teams. Pilots identified and implemented by project partners may belong to the following categories:

  • Development of creative cultural attractions
  • ICT-based presentation and visibility tools
  • Integration into international tourism information and sales services

Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)