WOMEN IN BUSINESS - 6th e-Newsletter




Project news




The Good Practices Handbook is a result of joint efforts of all WOMEN IN BUSINESS project partners.. All partners identified 43 good practices. The project developed, through a mutual learning process, innovative training models which are the main tool for fostering young women entrepreneurship and are the main part of the Women Entrepreneurship Centers.  On the other hand, the validated good practices serve as a ground for development of the Policy Agenda with policy recommendations

The first part of the Good Practices (GPs) Handbook outlines the methodology followed by all project partners for identification, selection and describing of GPs for young women entrepreneurship support in the 9 Danube Region countries involved in the project.

The second part - provides a description of 10 GPs for young women entrepreneurship support evaluated by project partners and validated by the members of the Advisory Board. Finally all good practices are showcased.

The full text of the Good Practice Handbook could be downloaded here.


Pilot Training on Entrepreneurship



30 Bulgarian and Hungarian young women entrepreneurs successfully completed the 1st Pilot Training Programme on Entrepreneurship organized by local Women Entrepreneurship Centres established within the project. In the period from February – July 2020 they gained additional knowledge and skills on how to start and develop successful business. The programme was organized in a hybrid way – on-place in EWCs and online. The participants were so happy to receive their Certificates of Completion.


70 other young women entrepreneurs attended the pilot trainings only online via WOMEN IN BUSINESS platform. They also had a chance to meet with experts during live sessions and to gain additional knowledge on different topics.

The interest for the 2nd Pilot Training Programme is very high – 145 girls are involved in the current trainings in local EWCs in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania and online platform.


All webinars organized within the both pilot actions are recorded and are available on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCympd0taqDMdydNYPSCGLMQ






BWCON organized online the 4th Dissemination Event on 16.06.2020. More than 50 participants met with Lisa Zordel by bwcon GmbH who presented the  Women in Business project, Tanja Rug (corporate coach & trainer, co-founder “She Potential”): Resilience goes business, Ilke Heller (Co-Founder Innovative Women Network);  Jürgen Raizner (Steinbeis Transfer Center) who gave an overview of ifempower project and many more.

Video of the event could be found here: https://youtu.be/k1icI2_IcU4









We are proud that the Women in Business project was presented to more than 65 participants by our colleague Sandra Weiß-Wallner (Innovation Region Styria Ltd) on the 18th European Week of Regions and Cities 2020 workshop Unlocking Women Entrepreneurship Potential. Partner of the event is Regional Agency for Entrepreneurship and Innovations – Varna.

She gave an overview of the policy recommendations for young women entrepreneurship support included in one of the most important project outputs - the Policy Agenda, Multiple discussions on Policy Agenda for supporting women entrepreneurship were developed for the Danube region as well as examples for support measures and good practices for fostering women entrepreneurship from the EU and different member states.

The other presentations were:

  • ifempower - Interactive and mentorship based FEMale emPOWERment in the field of entrepreneurship, Virág ZSÁR, HÉTFA, Hungary;
  • WEgate – Unlocking WE Potential, Gabriela Bogoeska, Foundation for Management and Industrial Research, North Macedonia;
  • Lobbying for and by Women Entrepreneurs, Amélie Leclercq, BPW (Business & Professional Women) Europe, Belgium.

Video of the event could be found here.



20.10.2020, 7th Transnational Stakeholders Meeting via zoom, host: ODIMM.




Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
E-mail: danube@interreg-danube.eu  | Web: www.interreg-danube.eu


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)