KnowING IPR - Online newsletter 2/2020


Dear Reader,


Our worlds have gone, and are still going through very difficult times. The Danube region countries have been severely impacted by the coronavirus. After a relatively relaxed summer, another set of contagion has been detected and our countries are implementing yet new prevention measures. However, our work is continuing. We are focusing on the finalization of the KnowING IPR patent analytics tool to have it officially launched and celebrated. Prior to this, we have finalized three sets of trainings and other documents that will support the work of our KnowING HUB initiative also after the project's end.

At this time, we are at the start of piloting actions where our solutions will be tested in real-life environments.


We are optimistic and we look forward to the final phase of KnowING IPR project!


You are invited to stay close to us, either through LinkedIN, Twitter, or Facebook, but also through email.


All the best,

Tamara B. Valič

KnowING IPR project manager

Open call to The industry and Higher education


It was in September we launched an open call to the industry and higher education to become part of our mentoring program in IPR, patenting, and technology offer. The call is open until 16th of October, so hurry to apply!


More info on

Five countries - five trainings


On 12th of October on online training was launched. The training programe was designed to combine the virtual conference meeting/training and to offer participants access to virtual classroom supported by Moodle program. The virtual classroom will provide access to all training materials covering the topics of technology transfer, answering to basic patenting questions, and offer insights to IPR management. The program was offered in five countries (Slovakia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, and Ukraine) and it hosted a total of 122 trainees!

Early summer workshops


It was in early summer when several events were organised. In April 2020, the first online event on UxD was organized by Hungarian colleagues. In June, two online events were organized, one Uxd workshop by Moldovan colleagues and one training event by Austrian colleagues.

It was in mid June, when the first policy roundtable was organized and participants met in Kragujevac.



Roundtable discussion


The 13th International Conference on Technology Transfer enabled us to organize a roundtable discussion on the topics of experience in patenting and IPR management from different sectors and different countries.

Our speakers were:
  • Gverino Ratoša, Hidria company, Slovenia
  • Drago Lemut, Le-tehnika company, Slovenia
  • Prof. Alexandru Marin, University 'Politehnica' Bucharest, Romania
  • mag. Mladen Vukmir, patent attorney, Croatia


KnowING IPR at EU week of regions and Cities


KnowING IPR together with the InnoHPC and SME/HPC project applied to be presented at the 18th European Week of Regions and Cities. Our consortium joined forces with Danube Strategy Point to be presented at the event.





Project management events - online SCOM meeting


As have majority of our activities moved online, so has the 5th SCOM meeting. It was organised on 18th of September via Zoom platform and partners discussed the regulal day-to-day issues and prepared a plan on how to successfully finalise the 5th Period of our ptoject. The plan on how to properly implement the final phase of the project was elaborated.


Interested in IPR and what we do? Pass the information about us to your colleagues


At the end, you are kindly invited to pass this newsletter to your colleagues and friends who you consider interested in the topic of IPR and IPR management. You are invited to encourgae them to join us by subscribinng to our newsletter!

Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)