INDEED - Updates and events from the first half of 2020




Dear Readers,

The INDEED project is taking big steps towards achieving its aims – particularly in regards to the multimedia online platform and the corresponding pilot workshops.
Through the great collaboration in the consortium, the multimedia online platform ( will launch in the next weeks for the English version. The other four language versions will follow subsequently. As the pilot workshops had to be postponed by several months due to the current situation, the pilot actions are now planned for late 2020/early 2021.

Below, please find a selection of INDEED’s highlights from different project countries, our list of upcoming events, an update of current policy developments as well as an article about “Physical activity for ageing people who experience cognitive changes” from Prof. Lautenschlager who is an INDEED supporter from Australia.

Lea Pfaeffel & Alexander Kurz




raising awareness about indeed through participating in the regiostars 2020


A big shout-out goes to all partners and INDEED collaborators who are promoting INDEED’s participation in the “RegioStar Awards 2020”. If you have not voted yet, we kindly encourage you to support INDEED and vote for the project on the competition website: (category “Inclusive growth - Skills & Education for a digital Europe”).


indeed in romania


February 19-22, 2020 │ National Alzheimer Conference with INDEED presentation

INDEED was presented at the 10th edition of the National Alzheimer's Conference in Romania to national and international dementia experts. The INDEED presentation focused on communication activities and achievements to spread the mission of INDEED. Read the full article here:


indeed in croatia


June 3-5, 2020 │ Better Future of Healthy Ageing Conference with INDEED presentation

INDEED’s educational intervention for dementia care was presented to medical experts and policy makers from the European Union at the online conference “Better Future of Healthy Ageing. The conference provided an excellent platform for disseminating INDEED and providing insights into INDEED’s online learning platform. The event was linked to Croatia’s presidency of the Council of the European Union as well as Croatia’s presidency of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. Read the full article here:


upcoming events


Meet INDEED at the following events:

30th Alzheimer Europe Conference “Dementia in a changing world” (Virtual conference),
20-22 October 2020,

2nd Krems Dementia Conference
“Dealing with dementia”,
16-18 November 2020,


National dementia plans


In early 2020, the Croatian Parliament has set the course to launching a national dementia plan. More information is available in English on the Alzheimer Europe website:



research news


Prof Nicola Lautenschlager, Dr Amit Lampit, University of Melbourne:
“Physical activity for ageing people who experience cognitive changes”

There is strong evidence from research that old people with cognitive impairment can successfully change their physical activity related health behavior with support from others and can exercise safely and with joy. However, especially for older people with chronic health conditions or who are currently sedentary, no new physical activity program should be started without consulting the general practitioner to make sure this is planned and executed in a safe way. Read the full article on the INDEED website here:


making dementia a health care priority!


Stay connected with INDEED

Do you want to be updated in real time with the events within the INDEED project?

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)