WOMEN IN BUSINESS - 7th e-newsletter


april 2021




Policy Agenda for Young Women Entrepreneurship Support is already available on our web page!


The project developed a document which provides concrete policy actions for policy orientation, integrating key project conclusions into the existing EU, national and regional policy and legislative framework. The main recommendations are grouped in.

  • Governmental policies to promote female entrepreneurship and leadership;
  • Strategy to harmonize business and family environment;
  • Policies in support of financial instruments for young women entrepreneurs;
  • Network of mentors and support organizations;
  • Establishment of Women Entrepreneurship Centres;

The full text of the document is available here: Policy Agenda for Young Women Entrepreneurship Support




sharing good practices



RAPIV attended WEGate event held on November 19, 2020 - aiming to present good practices for young women entrepreneurship support and available tools for YWE. The inspiring event has been a peer-learning webinar on "Sharing good practices in supporting women's economic empowerment" and giving possibility to share the experience gained under WOMEN IN BUSINESS project.






project events



PIMM Constanta hosted the International event “How can we support women in business” on 14th January 2021 with the focus on creation a framework within which specific aspects related to female entrepreneurship, good practices in business development and public policies that foster female entrepreneurship.

The recording of the International Event is available in our Youtube channel:   https://youtu.be/bp8H4XZDwdM



Innovation Region Styria Ltd has the pleasure to invite you to the International Online Conference "FUTURE OF WOMEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP". It will take place Monday, 10th May 2021.








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Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
E-mail: danube@interreg-danube.eu  | Web: www.interreg-danube.eu


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)