Dear reader,
With the spread of the Coronavirus throughout the globe and also through the Danube region, our institutions have closed. Many of us is working from home, physically isolated from our colleagues. While personally adapting to the new work reality we are also adapting the implementation of project activties. At the same time, we are thinking about thousands of health workers, public service personnel, workers in food industry and other workers who maintain our lifes safe.
As reader of KnowING IPR newsletter, you are part of our virtual community and this community is intended to grow in times to come. More virtual events instead of live-versions will be implemented contributing to our new habits that will emerge out of the current crisis. The KnowING IPR initiative will continue to lead in fostering innovation in the Danube region through promotion of IPR and IPR management.
You are invited to stay close to us, either through LinkedIN, Twitter or Facebook, but also through knowing.ipr@fis.unm.si email.
In the upcoming days, we wish you peaceful Easter Holidays, keep yourself and your loved ones safe.
All the best,
Tamara B. Valič,
KnowING IPR project manager
http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/knowing-ipr |
Invitation - Online event on user experience of KnowING HUB
First in a seried of online events is the event on User experience design, organied by BKIK on 23rd of April.
Join us for online discussion of services needed to properly manage IP in companies. We will discuss the IPR situation in Hungary and innovation management in companies.
Please register at
Activities - Patenting and ipr manegement event in vienna, Austria

On 2nd of March, Patenting and IPR management was hosted by H&S in Vienna.
The topics presented at the event were:
- EPO tools for patent knowledge, From Espacenet to PATSTAT – patent searching and statistical analyses presented by Mr. Johannes Schaaf (European Patent Office)
- Linking innovation data IPLOD, presented by Mrs. Dolores Modic (Nord University Business School, Norway)
- Technology Transfer landscapes in Austria and experiences of selected Tech Offer platforms, presented by Mr. Bernhard Koch (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria).
http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/news-and-events/project-news/5118 |
Activities - Patenting and IPR management event in Nova Gorica, Slovenia

On 6th of November 2019, Patenting and IPR management event was held in Nova Gorica, Slovenia.
The discussions at the event were evolving around the topics of:
- Intellectual property rights protection and patenting landscapes (Contributors: Mr. Peter Bittner, Patent Attorney, Karlsruhe, Germany) and Mr. Levin Pal, Technology Transfer Office, Institute ‘Jožef Stefan’, Ljubljana, Slovenia;
- Technology Transfer and Advanced functions of intellectual property rights databases – presentation of the PATENTSCOPE database and Global Brand database (Contributor: Mr. Ivaylo Dimitrov, World Intellectual Property Office, Geneve, Switzerland);
- Innovation in the automotive sector and start-up ecosystems: a need for IPR management (contributor: Mrs. Sigeline Walz, Automotive Engineering Network, Karlsruhe, Germany);
- IPR management in enterprises (roundtable discussion, moderated by Tamara Valič, KnowING IPR Project Manager) with participants: Mr. Aleš Štrancar, Bia Separations d.o.o and Mrs. Breda Kolmanič. Instrumentation technologies d.o.o
http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/news-and-events/project-news/5072 |
Activities - two user experience design events
In November, 2019, two User Experience Design workshops were organised with the purpose to assist the development of proper services of the KnowING HUB so that users will be able to use the tailored platform.
One event was organies on 28th of November in Kragujevac, Serbia and the second one was organised on 29th of November in Novo mesto, Slovenia.
http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/news-and-events/project-news/4921 |
Visibility - presentng KnowING IPR at other events
results to show - IPR challenges map
This output identifies that the process of technological transfer and IPR support is very slow, with financial, legislative and human capital difficulties that continue to hinder and delay the commercialization of the research results and the integration of IPR in both business and academic work.
Some of the most critical issues identified in the regional analysis conducted during KnowING IPR project-country reports and workshops with relevant stakeholders -are: lack of financing; difficult access to informational sources; frail cooperation between the research entities and private companies; weak connection of the researchers to the newest developments in the world-wide research area of interests; the absence of qualified professionals that would facilitate the connections between research institutions/ universities and the business environment; expensive and bureaucratic process for patenting and lack of awareness about IPR benefits and about existent support. These are characteristics related to the pillars of the innovation ecosystem and these reflect the main needs underlined by the relevant stakeholders engaged in the process of research.
http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/knowing-ipr/outputs |
results to show - IPR action plan
The IPR Action plan is structured as adeveloping document with the following structure: after the introduction the main objectives of the IPR Action Plan for the Danube Region are elaborated. After that a reconsideration on how the cycle of Continuousimprovement process was adopted and elaborated and continuouslyused throughoutthe implementation of the KnowING IPR project. After thatthe process on how the IPR Action plan was developed is describedand task list for IPR Action Plan is offered. The Task list is elaborated on the following parts: firstly,the tasks defined by the KnowINGIPR project are defined, after that the tasks on national level and tasks on the level of the Danube region are described. At the end the modes of operating and reaching the tasks are described.
One of the most important tools for IPR Action plan for theDanube region is described, along with its tasks for implementation. Final chapter of the IPR Action Plan is dedicated to already detected short term, medium term and long-termactions that will have to be implemented (short term tasks) or are stronglyrecommendedand subjectedto future operation of the KnowING IPR initiative.
http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/knowing-ipr/outputs |
Project management events - SCOm meeting
Just days before countries started to implement the movement restrictions due to Covid-19 epidemics, out team managed to meet in person.
It was 4th SCOM meeting organised on 3rd of March in Vienna, where we already anticipated the events and discussed open topics and adjustments of our activities to upcoming Covid-19 actions.
Apart from that, we wellcomed three new persons joining the KnowING IPR ship. Anna, Paul and Miroslava, welcome!
http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/news-and-events/project-news/5118 |
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