DAREFFORT - Successful Year Behind, a Busy One Ahead


2019 - an eventful year in the dareffort project


During the second and third period of the DAREFFORT project in 2019, the project partners worked on the progress of the planned deliverables and also helped increasing publicity of the cooperation. Dissemination events took place in the summer in all partnering countries, spreading the news of DAREFFORT to thousands of people Europe-wide. Professional audeince had the chance to gather information and give valuiable feedback during national workshop seminars.




Our third periodic meeting in Bratislava 19-20 November 2019 closed period 3 of the DAREFFORT project. MInutes and presentations are available on the project FTP server for authorised stakeholders and partners. Participants agreed to focus on developing both data exchange processes for the proposed application and the preparations of the e-learning modules that will support the implementation and proper usage of the real-time flood reporting services.




Our team prepared an information video about the purpose and approach of DAREFFORT. It shows not only the major motivations behind launching DAREFFORT, but also the interesting challenges, the expected results and our planned road ahead until the successful implementaton and delivery.


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)