

Alexander KURZ │Coordinator INDEED Project

Lea PFÄFFEL │ Project Manager INDEED Project

Dear Readers,

The INDEED Project aims at improving quality of life for people with dementia and their caregivers. To achieve this aim, INDEED develops an educational intervention for health and social care professionals. This intervention will feature up-to-date information about dementia, networking opportunities and foster the creation of novel dementia-related services. The intervention will be made available in a blended-learning format that combines face-to-face workshops and a multimedia online platform.

During the first year of implementation, INDEED hit several milestones: In February 2019, INDEED organised three transnational focus groups where the structure of the INDEED educational programme was elaborated with representatives of the target groups. At the second project meeting in June (Bratislava), we continued our dialogue about the INDEED intervention with policy makers from the Danube region in order to align the educational programme with national strategies on dementia. Presently, the consortium has almost completed the materials for the multimedia online platform as well as the workshops.

One of the highlights of the past months is the trailer about the multimedia online platform. Please watch it here



February 26, 2019 │Bulgaria

INDEED Project │ Focus Group Meeting in Sofia │

8 experts from the fields of dementia care and health education met in the Alexandrovska University Hospital in Sofia on February 26, 2019, for a focus group to evaluate the recently developed draft of the INDEED intervention package. This draft foresees three comprehensive modules targeting competences, cooperation and innovation potential. These modules will include interprofessional education, networking tools and business coaching. Furthermore, the modules will be delivered at 24 regional workshops in Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Romania, as well as through an e-learning platform.

Moderated by Simona Krakovská from INDEED’s project partner “Memory Centre Bratislava” and Shima Mehrabian from the Bulgarian Society of Dementia, the concept of the modules was presented and discussed among the participants.

Please find more information about event here

For INDEED in Bulgaria events you can also read about:

  • June 13-14, 2019│ Bulgaria

INDEED Project│National Conference of Neurology

Please find more information about event here




February 19, 2019 │ Slovakia

INDEED Project │ Focus Group Meeting in Bratislava

10 experts from the fields of dementia care and health education met in the Memory Centre Bratislava on February 19, 2019, for a focus group to evaluate the recently developed draft of the INDEED intervention package.

This draft foresees three comprehensive modules targeting competences, cooperation and innovation potential. These modules will include interprofessional education, networking tools and business coaching. Furthermore, the modules will be delivered at 24 regional workshops in Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Romania, as well as through an e-learning platform.

Moderated by Simona Krakovská from the “Memory Centre Bratislava” as well as Christian Schober and Constanze Beeck from the “Vienna University of Economics and Business”, the concept of the modules was presented and discussed among the participants.

Please find more information about event here


June 04-05, 2019│ Slovakia

INDEED Project│INDEED General Assembly 2 in Bratislava

This summer started with important events for the INDEED project, the General Assembly 2 of the project.

In his welcome presentation, INDEED Project Coordinator, Prof. Alexander Kurz (Germany) thanked all policy makers and project partners for participating in the second project meeting of INDEED.

INDEED Project Manager, Lea Pfäffel (Germany) summarized that the project partners have formed a great team since the kick-off meeting in September 2018. Several workpackage-related meetings have been held in Austria and Bulgaria. Furthermore, INDEED has been presented to the public at various events and conferences in Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.

For more information about the achievements of each work package, please access the link below:

For INDEED in Slovakia events you can also read  about:

  • June 05-09, 2019│ Slovakia

INDEED Project│Valuable exchanges of didactic concepts and e-learning  formats among DTP projects in Bratislava



The congress motto "The Invention of Age" is reminiscent of social and cultural historical as well as medical dimensions of our disciplines. In this context, on April 25th, our colleague Christian Schober presented the INDEED project with the paper: Dementia services in the Danube Region- A comparative Analysis of Supply and Demand. 

Please find more information about event here



September 24-25, 2019│ Germany

INDEED Project│INDEED at Serbian-Bavarian Higher Education Day│Alexander Kurz and Lea Pfäffel 

The Serbian-Bavarian Higher Education Day aimed at initiating further academic cooperation in research and teaching, and strengthening already existing partnerships. It was dedicated to students’ exchange, joint research and cooperation of academia and business both in natural and engineering sciences and humanities and social sciences. 

In this context, Prof. PhD MD Alexander Kurz and Lea Pfäffel, M.Sc., Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Hospital rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich presented the paper: Innovation for Dementia in the Danube Region – INDEED / INTERREG-Danube Transnational Programme.

Please find more information about event here



February, 21, 2019│Slovenia

INDEED Project │ Focus Group Meeting in Ljubljana

9 experts from the fields of dementia care and health education from Croatia, Hungary, Germany, and Slovenia met in Ljubljana on February 21, 2019, for a focus group. The aim of this event, chaired by Prof. PhD MD Zvezdan Pirtošek from University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine, was to evaluate the recently developed draft of the INDEED intervention package.

Please find more information about event here



July 01, 2019 │Czech Republic

INDEED Project │ INDEED exchanges experiences on e-learning with 4 DTP projects

On July 1, 2019, INDEED was invited to a panel discussion on “E-Learning” in the framework of the final conference of the DTP project Excellence-in-ReSTI. Together with representatives of the DTP projects EDU-LAB, InnoSchool and Danube Energy+, Lea Pfäffel joint the panel as project manager of INDEED.

Please find more information about event here 



February 23, 2019 │ Romania

INDEED Project │ INDEED at the Romanian National Alzheimer Conference in Romania│Mihaela Zamfir

In February The Romanian National Alzheimer Conference 2019 with International Participation took place in Bucharest, Romania. The event gathered around 500 participants mainly psychiatrists, geriatricians and neurologists, as well as other specialists involved in the assistance of the elderly patient with dementia-psychologists, kinetotherapists, nurses and architects. More information about the conference can be accessed on the event's website

The conference was a great opportunity to present the INDEED Project to Romanian specialists. The presentation was made by the project team in Romania, responsible for WP2- Communication Activities, Mihaela Zamfir, Communication Manager INDEED Project bringing to the participants the activities completed during the first 6 months  of the project.

Please find more information about event here

For INDEED in Romania events you can also read about:

  • April 06, 2019│Romania

INDEED Project│INDEED at University for 3rd Age- U3A Galați│ Mihaela Zamfir

  • May 07-09, 2019│Romania

INDEED Project│The Romanian Team wins the prize for the best poster with INDEED Project│ Mihaela Zamfir

  • September 23-26, 2019│ Romania


  • October 17-20, 2019 │Romania

INDEED Project │ INDEED at The XI-th National Congress of Geriatrics  and Gerontology with International Participation │ Mihaela Zamfir



May 24, 2019│Albania

INDEED Project│Workshop Alzheimer’s Disease ʺLights and Shadowsʺ│ Lea Pfäffel

Project INDEED was presented by Lea Pfäffel, Project Manager at "Workshop Alzheimer's disease - Lights and Shadows", May 24, 2019, Tirana, Albania.
The event was organised by the "Rotary Club of Tirana" in cooperation with the "Faculty of Medicine (U.M.T) Tirana"



February, 2019 │ Europe

INDEED Project │ ʺFostering multidisciplinary exchange towards person-centred dementia careʺ │Dementia in Europe (AE) │Alexander Kurz and Lea Pfäffel 

We are glad to announce you the appearance of an article about INDEED Project wrote by Project Coordinator Prof. Alexander Kurz and Project Manager Lea Pfäffel in AE Dementia in Europe, issue 29. You can view it at pages 32-33, Dementia in Society Section:

Please find more information about event here


July 01, 2019│

INDEED Project│Celebrating one year of INDEED (DTP)

One year ago, INDEED started as a novel project aiming at innovating dementia care in the Danube Region. 

By building skills, enhancing collaboration and fostering entrepreneurial activity among professional groups in health and social care, the quality of life for people with dementia will be improved.

To take a look back at our major accomplishments from the past year, just click here


October 26, 2019│

INDEED Project│Launching INDEED Project Trailer 

At the end of October, we officially launched the INDEED Project trailer. The trailer is a joint effort of the entire project team, we thank all the colleagues for their involvement, ideas and feedback and especially thanks to TBC.

We invite you to watch the trailer and be with our main character, Mrs. Novak during 3'45 ", accessing the YouTube Indeed Channel 

Please find more information about event here




INDEED will be presented at the following conferences:

  • November 05-07, 2019│ Austria

​INDEED Project│INDEED presentation at FIRST KREMS DEMENTIA CONFERENCE: Timely Detection of Dementia

  • November 08-09, 2019 │ Romania

INDEED Project │ INDEED at International Conference "Alzheimer's disease - a challenge for the contemporary world. Research and medical, psychological, social intervention” in Cluj-Napoca│ Mihaela Zamfir

  • November 08-09, 2019│ Slovenia

INDEED Project│INDEED at Spominčica-Alzheimer Slovenija Annual Conference ASK 2019│Tina Štukeji 

  • November 15, 2019│ Croatia

INDEED Project│INDEED at Symposium: Longevity- achievement of our civilization  and today’s  challenge

  • December 05-06, 2019 │ Croatia

INDEED Project │ INDEED at EdukAL │




Professor Frank Jessen, M.D.
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

University of Cologne, Medical Faculty
German Centre for Neurodegenerative Disorders (DZNE), Bonn

Why do novel treatments for Alzheimer’s disease fail?

On 21 March 2019 the company Biogen announced that they stopped the clinical development of the anti-amyloid antibody Aducanumab after an interim analysis of two large ongoing trials (ENGAGE, EMERGE). The results of the analysis suggested a lack of efficacy. Worldwide, this was a big disappointment for people with dementia, carers and researchers.

More information about these issues you will find here







Do you want to be updated in real time with the events within the INDEED project? Stay connect with us also on: Facebook, InstagramTwitter and YouTube


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)