One year-worth of Highlights
The first year of ConnectGREEN has focused not only on connecting the Carpathian Mountains, but on connecting stakeholders that can turn this vision into reality: spatial planners, environmentalists, authorities. These key professionals have been included in developing the “Methodology for identifying ecological corridors for large carnivores in the Carpathian countries”. Online tools for data collection and e-learning have also been prepared. All while the topic of connectivity has been promoted across the region, in a broad variety of contexts.
SLovakia: The Methodology - a regional “how-to” for identifying migration corridors for large carnivores
The “Methodology for identification of migration corridors for large carnivores in the Carpathian countries” has been one main focus during the first project year, for the task force of national experts from Romania, Czech Republic, Serbia, Hungary and Slovakia, coordinated by the SNC SR (The State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic). The success of the Methodology depends on its relevance and adaptability to every country involved, and on stakeholders’ integrating it in their practices. To this end, the draft Methodology was presented to national stakeholders during workshops held in every project country, where ConnectGREEN experts collected and integrated feedback from the participants.
Czech Republic: Mobile app for field data collection
As a preparation for using the Methodology in the field, the Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic created an interactive tool: a tailor-made form for the mobile application Survey123 for ArcGIS. This tool allows experts to upload data and photos directly from their smartphones recording barriers that hinder the free movement of large carnivores. This tool both simplifies field work and allows data from the different pilot areas to be compared and analyzed in an integrated manner.
HUNGARY: project know-how now AVAILABLE through CONNECTGREEN e-Learning Platform
If you are a spatial planner, environmentalist or in any way connected to the topics of ConnectGREEN, you will soon be able to dive into the know-how condensed during the project via the up-coming e-Learning Platform, coordinated by CEEweb from Hungary. This online knowledge center will guide learners through open-access courses on 1) Carpathian large carnivores, 2) the Methodology for identification of large carnivores and 3) spatial planning, with the help of various interactive tools: video lectures, presentations, animations, reading materials and evaluation. At the end of the learning process, learners will receive a certificate of completion.
Explore the concept of the e-Learning Platform here and stay tuned for its launch!
ROMANIA: ConnectGREEN present at the 8th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region
ConnectGREEN representatives promoted ecological connectivity and project goals at a variety of high-level events in the region, such as the Carpathian Convention Working Group on Transport or the Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR). The 8th EUSDR Forum took place in Bucharest, Romania, at the end of June 2019. WWF Romania and WWF CEE attended the event on behalf of ConnectGREEN and even organized a display in the foyer, at the DTP Interreg projects’ exhibition.
SERBIA: Connectivity… as simple as A B C
All audiences are important when it comes to raising awareness on the importance of ecological connectivity, even the youngest ones. In Serbia, school children have been captivated by the topic of large carnivores and ecological corridors during the workshops organized by the Institute for Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia in cooperation with National Park "Djerdap". The workshops aim to encourage children to provide creative ideas around the complex issue of conservation of ecological corridors and to motivate them to think about the actions that would contribute to overcoming these problems. Children can see more easily what we adults sometimes seem to overlook: our actions affect the entire world and we are an integral part of the nature where everything is connected.
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