KnowING IPR - Online newsletter 02/2019




Dear reader,


well pass the first year of Project implementation we wellcome you once again to this newsletter. As you will be able to see we had a very active summer and we continue to work hard also in these warm autumn months.


During the past months, we have organised three Action Plan workshops for the purpose to outline the activities that need to be undertaken to address the main IPR policy issues of the Danube region.


Further on, we have organise three workshops where we discussed the future of the project and of one of its main outputs: KnowING HUB. 


Consortium partners attended the 8th edition of EUSDR forum where our video received the third prize for most innovative video. In Bucharest the SCOM meeting was organise and two months after that also First Year Review. We met in Budapest for that purpose.


So, if you desire to keep up with us we invite you to like us of Facebook, follow on Twitter or connect to LinkedIN.


Untill next time, keep safe, KnowING IPR team



invitation - event in nova gorica, slovenia, 6h of November


The event organised in Nova Groica, on 6th of November, will host interesting speakers: Ivaylo Dimitrov (World Intellectual Property Office), Peter Bittner (European Patenting Attorney), Špela Stress (Institute 'Jožef Štefan', Slovenia), Sigelinde Walz (Automotive Engineering Network, Karlsruhe, Germany) and represenatives companies: BIA Separations, Slovenia, Instrumentation Technologies, Slovenia and Hidria, Slovenia. 


Join us for the discussions and networkings!



activities - three workshops on the future of KnowING HUB


Three workshops were orgnised with the purpose of development of a Strategy, Business plan and Action Plan for the post Project time and operation of the KnowING HUB.



activities - three workshops on action plan for the IPR policies


Three events took place in three countries of the Danube: Germany, Serbia and Slovakia. The topics of how to shape policies to incorporate IPR management in companies for the benefit of innovation and development were discussed.



EUSDR forum - attendance and visibility


KnowINg IPR team was present at the 7th edition of EUSDR forum in Bucharest, organise between 27th and 28th of June in Romania. Extentive promotion of the project and its activties were done by all project partners.



Project management events - SCOM and First year review


During the summer two meetings of the partnership were organised: First was in Bucharest, on 26th of June, where the Steering Committee met and discussed the current status of the project along with future actions.

The second meeting of partnership was organised in Budapest, on 30th of August for the purpose of evaluating the project from JS point of veiw. The FYR was attended by JS PO Mr. Marius Valentin Nicuale.



interested in IPR and what we do? pass the information about us to your colleagues!


You are kindly invited to pass this newsletter to your colleagues and friends who you consider intereseted in the topic of IPR and IPR management. You are invited to encourage them to join us by subscribing to our newsletter!

Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)