Danube Energy+ - Second Newsletter


 Newsletter 2: Danube Energy+  October 2019


Boost potential of young innovators to pioneer change in energy efficiency inside Danube Macro-region.


Regional Alliance meetings and Regional Networking Thursdays

A series of Regional Alliance meetings and Regional Networking Thursdays have been held in the past months with the goal of engaging the project target groups in the creation process:

  • Regional ecosystem actors
  • Regional public authorities
  • SMEs
  • Universities and business supporting actors
  • Young Innovators

Together with the Regional Networking Thursdays, local press conferences were held in each of the partnering countries, resulting in media coverage in over 30 national outlets and thus outreach to thousands of readers and radio listeners across the Danube region.

Transregional situation analysis

A transregional situation analysis has been completed for each of the partnering countries with the goal of understanding and presenting the challenges, opportunities and specifics with regards to R&D, innovation, legislation and supporting instruments in the energy field. The full analysis can be found and downloaded here.

Danube Energy+ Tool

The Danube Energy+ Tool has been developed!

The Danube Energy+ Tool is a pre-acceleration learning system for Young Innovators with highly innovative ideas in the energy efficiency field. The responsible partner for development of the tool is the Croatian partner Optimizacija. In a series of virtual meetings, the partners settled the framework and the main concept of the tool. The tool has the format of a 40-hour educational programme, which consists of three learning blocks. The learning blocks are complemented by a variety of learning materials and tools. The Tool is comprised of theoretical sessions, which will be led by experts in the particular field and entrepreneurs with great experience in the industry. Each theoretical session will be followed by a practical exercise or workshop.The Tool document can be found and downloaded here.

Learning blocks of the Tool

Problem discovery & Idea Generation

 Learning block 1 takes up to 16 hours of theory sessions and workshops during which the participants will be able to gain knowledge about the specifics of business in energy efficiency as well as the opportunities in the field.  The goal of this block is to kick-start the innovation process.

Business Model Development

The second learning block will focus on business model development, the analysis of competition as well as how to set up a team. The main learning tool will be the Business Model Canvas. The block will take up to 20 hours of workshops and theory presentations.

Sales and Pitching

The third and last learning block of the tool is aimed at improving the sales and pitching skills of the Young Innovators. In order to achieve the learning goals, the trainers will use pitch deck templates and will help the Young Innovators create commercialization plans. This block will be concluded with Demo Day, during which the Young Innovators will present their plans and pitch their business ideas. 


Next steps

Danube Energy+ Ecosystem Package

In the following months the Croatian partner Optimizacija, in active cooperation with all partners, will finalize the development of Danube Energy+ ecosystem Package - an innovative learning system for key actors of regional ecosystems (public administration, universities, business, SMEs) advancing their knowledge in industry challenges, as well as applying the Danube Energy+ Tool.

The DE+ Ecosystem Package includes: learning materials for the tool, consisting of dynamic presentations (animation videos), workshop materials, models and good practices for the identification, motivation and connection of Young Innovators. The project partners will translate the materials into their languages.


International Danube Energy+ Day 2020

The first edition of the International Danube Energy+ Day will be held on the 28th of January 2020 in Karlsruhe, Germany. The first International Danube Energy+ Day will be held jointly with the LEARNTEC conference. Each year, more than 300 exhibitors and 250 speakers attend LEARNTEC, which will take place for the 28th time in 2020. With over 11,600 international professional visitors and convention participants from 31 countries in 2019, LEARNTEC is Europe's #1 event in digital learning. Most of the visitors are education experts and professionals from schools, higher education and research and corporate institutions. This fact makes the participants potential multipliers for the Danube Energy+ approach – thus yielding LEARNTEC an ideal environment for the Danube Energy+ project.

LEARNTEC also offers a broad variety of side-events linked to the topic “learning and education”. One of these side-events in 2020 will be the 1st Danube Energy+ International Day, organised by lead partner EIT InnoEnergy. During this event, the Danube Energy+ project, its training scheme and learning package, as well as expected impacts on the Danube region will be presented, but also current learning topics with regards to energy transmission and entrepreneurship in renewable energy.

The highlight of the day will be the official launch of the Open Call to Pilot the Danube Energy+ Tool.

We are looking forward to welcoming you at International Danube Energy+ Day!

Open Call to Pilot the Danube Energy+ Tool

Now that the Tool has been created, it will be tested in the form of a Pilot in the project partner countries. Stay tuned for the open call in search of Young Innovators with innovative energy solutions!

Follow us on social media:

 @Danube Energy+


Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA,ENI)                                                                                  



The Interreg-financed Danube Energy+ project aims to create an enabling environment which will support Young Innovators to pioneer change in sustainable energy by setting up highly innovative start-ups within the Danube macro-region. 9 partners from 9 countries and 7 associated partners from 7 countries are actively working together in the development of an ecosystem within the Danube macro-region, which is enabling and supportive of Young Innovators in energy.


So, what has been achieved so far? 













Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
E-mail: danube@interreg-danube.eu  | Web: www.interreg-danube.eu


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)