Embeddedness of high quality research infrastructures in the Danube Region
Dear reader,
Welcome to the sixth and final edition of the RI2integrate project newsletter. RI2integrate is project implemented by the INTERREG Danube Transnational programme co-financed by European Union funds. The main objective of the project is to exploit the economic development potential and to better the integration of the operation of the EU’s excellent R&D Infrastructure in Danube Region.
Ri2integrate project has started on first of January 2017. Our newsletters have inform you at least twice a year about the progress of the project. Stay with us and enjoy reading!
Yours sincerely,
Ri2integrate team
The main objective of RI2integrate project is to exploit the economic development potential and to better the integration of the operation of the EU’s excellent R&D Infrastructure (RI) investment projects through devising and implementing innovative tools for policy learning on macro-regional embeddedness in the Danube Region.
The main novelty of RI2integrate is two-fold. It's methodology foresees the combination of the Smart Specialization approach (from the expert side) and the Quadruple Helix model (from the stakeholder perspective). Additionally, as a policy driven novelty, the project creates synergies between different EU and territorial funding instruments.
The main result is the improved transfer of scientific results into the economy in the Danube Region, in line with the different needs of the participating countries by the improvement of cross-linkages among the R&D, SMEs, community and government.
Begining of the project: 1.1.2017
End of the project: 30.9.2019
Budget: 1.658.26556 EUR
ERDF contribution: 1.283.631,77 EUR
IPA contribution: 125.893,90 EUR
Priority: Innovative and socially responsible Danube region
Specific objective: Improve framework conditions for innovation
The RI2integrate partnership consist of 17 project partners (9 ERDF partners, 1 IPA partner and 7 Associated partners) and covers 7 Danube countries.
RI2integrate project partners from HU, CZ, AT, RO, SRB, SLO, HR represent regional and national research institutions, universities, governmental bodies, decision makers, and intermediaries. Each partner stands for a particular type of organisation involved in the utilization of excellent research infrastructures.
Consortium consist of following organizaction:
Lead partner:
ERDF partners:
- Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency Nonprofit Ltd.
- Horia Hulubei National Institute of R&D for Physics and Nuclear Engineering
- Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
- FH JOANNEUM Gesellschaft mbH
- Institution for development of competence, innovation and specialization of Zadar County
- University of Maribor
- Magurele High Tech Cluster
- Central Bohemia Innovation Centre
IPA partner:
- Development Agency of Serbia
Associated partners:
- Ministry for National Economy
- Ilfov County Council
- Central Bohemia Region
- Steirische Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft mbH
- Zadar County
- Technical University of Kosice
- Municipality of Ruše
As a closing of the project, an international conference took place on 3 September 2019 at Spoon the Boat, where the interested participants could listen to presentations about the national and international potentials of the research infrastructures’ better utilization.
The president of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office, Dr. István Szabó held the opening presentation. The speakers of the day spook about the national and European experiences, and the project partnership introduced the results of the project implementation.
In the afternoon of the closing event, the hosts organised a study visit to Agroverzum Centre of Science and Fun in the park of the Brunszvik castle in Martonvásár.
Knowledge transfer trainings of the RI2Integrate partnership have been implemented in partner countries.
The knowledge transfer trainings in Hungary, Romania, Czechia, Austria, Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia aimed at sharing and integrating the results developed within the RI2Integrate project partnership.
They covered the knowledge transfer on the developed new tools in order to support the consolidation of the results at all RIs within the Danube Region.
By doing so the participating stakeholders were trained to implement similar initiatives in their countries.
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