JOINTISZA - Project E-Newsletter, Issue 3 | August 2019



Your opinion matters! Electronic Stakeholder Involvement in the JOINTISZA Project


It is important to achieve ‘good chemical and ecological status (or potential)’ for all surface waters and ‘good chemical’ and ‘quantitative status’ for all groundwater as well as to prevent deterioration of the status of all surface and groundwater bodies.

In order to identify problems and take the necessary measures to achieve the abovementioned objectives the five Tisza countries prepared a draft integrated Tisza river basin management plan (ITRBMP) in the framework of the JOINTISZA project.

Through electronic Stakeholder involvement JOINTISZA project team will reach out to different stakeholders of the five countries electronically and gather the opinion and recommendations of about the problems and solutions of the ITRBMP. Electronic consultation is planned to be shared with the stakeholders in the month of AUGUST 2019.


the jointisza international boat won the sixth plastic cup and un environment mentions jointisza



With the aim to call the attention to the growing problem of plastic pollution of our water resources, the plastic cup is a 10-days environmental action towards cleaning the floodplain area of the Tisza River. The initiative known as "Water Clean-up" is organized by Természetfilm association, the Hungarian Association of Environmental Enterprises (HAEE) and the Sonar Diver team. The main objective of the international crew was to share experiences in relation to the management of plastic pollution, which could be taken into account during the update of the Integrated Tisza River Basin Management Plan (having under development in the frame of the DTP–JOINTISZA project) to learn about each other and exploit ways to cooperate in order, among others, to investigate how the PLASTIC Cup can be further replicated in other countries as well. 20 teams. Countless bottles. Forest of tents. Sand bank and dry ice. Everything was given for a good trash derby. During the 2-day shipbuilding process, the spirit was becoming more and more intense as the boats started to get into shape. Someone opts for a solar panel powered drive, while other fixes a huge boat steering wheel, someone rigs sails, others believe in recycled pallets. The victory by the international crew of the JOINTISZA boat gave a sign, that shared efforts of an international team towards common goal could be a winning start” said Diana Heilmann, Captain of the JOINTISZA boat and team member of the DTP-PAC1-PA4 project on Water Quality.

Around 400 volunteers took to the water in August 2018 to race homemade boats and remove plastic debris from the river’s banks. People of all ages put on their swimming costumes and sailed boats made from recycled plastic.

“Plastic pollution is rampant along Tisza River. Our team, JoinTisza, collected 80 bags full of rubbish in a single day,” said Magnus Andresen, of UN Environment. His team won the competition by collecting the most waste.


JOINTISZA - international danubeday - let's act together! interested?


On the 29th of June each year, the 14 countries of the Danube Basin jointly celebrate one of Europe's greatest river systems. It was first celebrated by the ICPDR in 2004 to highlight the 10th anniversary of the signing of the Danube River Protection Convention. Through the joint effort of different organizations, the celebration of Danube Day throughout the Danube River Basin became an annual event, paying tribute the Danube and the rivers that flow into it.

If you are interested in other events of the Danube Day organized in one of the 14 Danube countries please visit its official website.


jointisza rewind (recap of past events)



The JOINTISZA project entered to its final stage. It was the time to summarize the results and achievements of the project. In the Final Conference more than 100 participants took part from the countries of the Tisza River Basin. Read more here.


Knowledge Transfer Training Workshops were held in September and October 2018 in Debrecen, Hungary in the campus of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management of the Debrecen University. Read more here.


By bringing together authorities and experts from five European countries (Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine), the JOINTISZA project aims to enhance the status of waters of the Tisza River Basin. The project focuses on interactions of two key aspects of water management — river basin management (RBM) and flood protection. The SVP methodology is being tested in the pilot area of Tisza basin. Several workshops were held to train both authorities and other stakeholders in using SVP. Read more here.


The meeting took place in Szolnok on 22.03.2018, with 36 participants being present. The project partners presented about the project itself, the 1st ITRBMP and about the most exciting topics for the agricultural sector; water quantity, drought and climate change. Read more here.


The Slovak National Consultation Dialogue on the Integrated Tisza River Basin Management Plan took place on 10 April 2018 at the Slovak Water Management Enterprise in Kosice, Slovakia.

Over 20 Slovak key stakeholders from the Tisza River basin came together to discuss significant water pressures and stakeholder involvement at the Slovak national consultation dialogue, which was held in the framework of the JOINTISZA project. Jointly organized by GWP Central and Eastern Europe, the Water Research Institute in Slovakia and Water Management Enterprise the dialogue brought together representatives of governmental organizations in the water and forestry sectors, the Ministry of Environment, ecological organizations, research institutes, NGOs and academia. Read more here.



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If you are interested in the sustainable management of the Tisza River Basin, and if you would like to receive first-hand updates on new developments within the JOINTISZA project, then please join the JOINTISZA LinkedIn group! For details click here.


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JOINTISZA Project Manager

Balázs Horváth

Phone: +36 1 225 4400 extension 10330



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Disclaimer: The information and views set out in this publication are those of the author(s) (DTP project Lead Partners and partners) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Union/Danube Transnational Programme. Neither the European Union/Danube Transnational Programme institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use, which may be made of the information contained therein.


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)