Newsletter 1


 “Iron-Age-Danube” Team presentation - Lead Partner Universalmuseum Joanneum

Who we are…: from left to right: Patricia Raggam, Daniel Modl, Anja Hellmuth Kramberger, Angelika Schweiger, Marko Mele, Karl Peitler credits@UMJ

Who we are…: from left to right: Patricia Raggam, Daniel Modl, Anja Hellmuth Kramberger, Angelika Schweiger, Marko Mele, Karl Peitler credits@UMJ

With January  2017, the project “Iron-Age-Danube” started officially for the team of the lead partner in Graz. Seven people at the Universalmuseum Joanneum take an active role in this project.

HR Dr. Wolfgang Muchitsch (not in the picture), the director of the Universalmuseum Joanneum, member of the Steering Committee, is the legal representative for the lead partner of “Iron-Age Danube”.

Mag. Karl Peitler, the head of the Department Archaeology and Coin Cabinet at the Universalmuseum Joanneum, is highly involved in topics concerning administration and management as well as communication.

Dr. Marko Mele, head-curator at the Universalmuseum Joanneum, is the project leader of “Iron-Age-Danube”. He has already gained experience in previous successful EU-projects. As head of the whole project, he is responsible for the team in Graz and all project partners.

Mag. Angelika Schweiger, newcomer at the Universalmuseum Joanneum, is the project-assistant of Iron-Age-Danube and responsible for administration and reporting.

Dr. Anja Hellmuth Kramberger, also newcomer at the Department Archaeology and Coin Cabinet. She coordinates the excavation camp in Großklein, Styria, and is responsible for research and general fieldwork.

Mag. Daniel Modl already gained EU-project experiences. He is responsible for communication between the project partners and for media presence.

Patricia Raggam, BA, began as intern with the project-start of Iron-Age-Danube. She already gained EU-project experiences. The social media and web presence is one of her areas; she is also involved in the research and fieldwork.

We are always unsimiling, having no fun…;)



The Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Vienna has the honour to invite you to a Project presentation

“Monumentalized Early Iron Age Landscapes in the Danube river basin”

(acronym ´Iron-Age-Danube´- Reference No. DTP1-1-248-2.2)

and a lecture

“Iron, blood and salt: Archaeology of the Early Iron Age in Croatia and Europe”



on Wednesday, April 26th 2017, at 19:00 h at the Croatian Embassy, Rennweg 3, 1030 Vienna.

We kindly ask you for reply until April 21st 2017  under:

Dr. Saša Kovačević is the senior research associate and current Head of the scientific department of the Institute of Archaeology in Zagreb, where he has been employed since 2000. He is also leading the project ´Iron-Age-Danube´. The main subject of the project is research, protection and presentation of the cultural landscapes of the early Iron Age in Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia and Croatia. Dr. Kovačević's research is focused on prehistoric settlements and corresponding finds from habitation contexts, primarily from the early Iron Age in the southern Pannonian region, especially along the Drava river, which were also the primary topics of his master's degree and doctorate.



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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)