CultPlatForm_21 - Newsletter #8




Dear readers,


There are only a few days left until the end of the project, and we would like to thank you for the time and attention you have devoted to this project. Whether it was direct participation in workshops and events, completing a questionnaire or using the various outcomes of this project, it was a great help for us to work with you.


In this newsletter we would like to summarize in a nutshell the most important things that came out of this project.


Main Project Outputs


The Final Conference “Visible Danube. Hidden Heritage as Future Potential in Culture and Tourism“ was dedicated to present the outcomes and the future orientated strategies of the “Danube Culture Platform” which had been successfully developed during 30 months of transnational cooperation. The nine international partners showcased their pilot projects providing exciting artistic and digital interventions uncovering hidden heritage places, stories and objects along the Danube. In addition, a model for a future Small Project Fund for the Danube region and the comprehensive Project Documentation giving a picture of the wide range of project activities have been presented including two strategies for cultural routes in the Danube area.


As a solemn closing act, the official Memorandum was signed leading to the final statements on the follow-up plans. It encloses a multiannual Cultural Routes Strategy for the Danube region, an outline for a Small Project Fund and two strategies for Cultural Routes.


Please find the most important ones here:

Please find a more detailed report of our final conference in Regensburg here.


© City of Regensburg


Multimedia Presentation "CULTPLATFORM REFLECTIONS"


The video "CultPlatForm Reflections" was made to present the results of the pilot projects within the CultPlatForm_21 project. The results are quite diverse, ranging from research, technical ICT solutions, to reconstructions and artistic presentations. In order to capture the diversity and the magnitude of work, the videos and images from all the pilot projects were compiled into a short film, followed by original music and narration.


Both the short and the long version of the video, which were presented at the final conference, can be found at the CultPlatForm YouTube channel.


© Olivera Gračanin


Danube Small Project Fund


As part of the Danube Culture Platform, the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and Arts has conducted a feasibility study on a future Danube Small Project Fund (DSPF). The vision is a fully implementable, region-wide funding structure based on public-private partnership. This model for a future Small Project Fund for the Danube region has been presented at the Final Conference in Regensburg.


More information


© City of Regensburg




At the end of the final conference the nine Partners signed the Memorandum “Danube Culture Platform – Creative Spaces of the 21st Century” leading to the final statements on the follow-up plans. The partners of the “Danube Culture Platform” are convinced that cooperation on the joint project contributes to a better understanding of culture and history in the Danube region. Therefore, they encourage future cooperation and exchange. In the light of sustainability all partners will maintain and promote the network of the project and will promote and communicate outputs and results. Together they will continue to work against forgetting and to create awareness of cultural diversity and history in the Danube region.


As concrete project result, the memorandum encloses a multiannual Cultural Routes Strategy for the Danube region, two strategies for Cultural Routes and an outline for a Small Project Fund.


Please find the Memorandum here.


More information


© City of Regensburg




In Romania, the closing of the project was marked by the organization of an Art Festival dedicated to the invisible heritage, which took place 18 – 20 June 2019 in Bucharest, at Point Cultural Center.


With the help of a methodology developed within the partners’ consortium, the Danube area was researched to reveal the hidden heritage (sunk / destroyed / lost in oblivion). Among the elements discovered in Romania, Ada Kaleh Citadel from Drobeta-Turnu Severin was selected as a symbol of the invisible heritage that must be recovered and capitalized. In this respect, a public consultation was held in October 2018 in Drobeta-Turnu Severin to identify the methods by which the citadel can be valorised from a cultural and touristic perspective. After this meeting, an action plan was developed to stand as a starting point for the art festival.


The art festival brought together specialists in the field of culture, teachers and students interested in the theme of the festival touching upon the following: urban heritage recovery with augmented reality, cultural heritage and new media, collective documenting and preservation in the online space of intangible cultural heritage, interactive digital performance, the use of animation film, but also the reconversion of space through artistic approaches.


The participants also enjoyed a guided visit to the Anghel Saligny Bridge and the Carsium Citadel in Hârşova, other invisible heritage items selected for promotion within the project. At the same time, the agenda of the festival included a photo exhibition and film screening that documented the lesser-known cultural values in Romania.


© Ministry of Culture and National Identity Romania




Hereby we would also like to thank all Project Partners for their fruitful collaboration during the implementation of the CultPlatForm_21 project. Throughout the project we achieved huge steps in exploring the hidden, forgotten, invisible cultural heritage of the Danube region and developing pilot projects by making the invisible visible through artistic means, new technologies and the development of (new) narratives. In this way new perspectives were opened up and a vast amount of great people – locals, stakeholders from culture and tourism, researchers, and visitors – became aware of the key findings of the “Danube Culture Platform”.


Thank you all for this great cooperation and we look forward to undertaking future common activities!


For more information about the CultPlatForm project, please visit


Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)