We welcome you to our fifth FORESDA newsletter!
The last project period was very intense: As you will see in the following newsletter, we were very busy with our regional pilot projects, activities organized within collaboration networks, but also with the development of the Transnational Sustainability Plan.
However, this newsletter should be our last one because the project ends on June 30th. Nevertheless, since we have ensured the sustainability project through several activities, we will continue to inform you about the plans and results. And if you want to get involved, feel free to contact us and become part of our forest-based cross-sectoral networks!
FORESDA Editorial Team
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Innovation is not a Project, it's a Mindset!
A conference "Wood and Innovation" was organized in Opatija on 4th of June. The focus of the conference was put on the innovations which result from the collaboration of forest-based industries with other industries. The main objective was to show that forest-based industries offer plenty of possibilities to create innovative products, which was proved by the achievements of FORESDA project. More...
Show Will go On!
To ensure the sustainability of the project results beyond the project timeframe, is always a challenge, but FORESDA project manages to solve it on several levels. One of the method is establishement of the three Collaboration Networks (CNs) which have developed agendas which do not depend on the project end. More...
The Time to shape the Future is Now
The FORESDA project partners are aware that if we want to initiate the mayor changes and boost the cross-sectoral collaboration and R&D activities within forest-based industries, we have to act now towards pupils and students. In order to reach those target groups, each partner organized visits at secondary schools and faculties of forestry and woodworking industries. More...
Croatian Pilot Project Presented in Bruxelless
At the invitation of the European Commission, the Croatian Wood Cluster presented a pilot project Increase the Level of Worksafety to increase the Energy Efficiency, which is being carried out within the framework of FORESDA project. Namely, according to the latest research, by modernizing the wood dust collection systems, it is possible to save up to 30 percent of the electricity, and at the same time the working conditions are being improved. More...
New Project Proposals for the DTP 3rd Call
The first step of the third call for proposals of the Danube Transnational Programme was launched on 28th of January 2019 and it lasted open until 8th of March 2019. 276 submissions were received by the deadline. The Specific Objective 2.2 (Foster sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage and resources) was the one receiving the highest number of proposals (82). More...
Clusters have a Significant Role in the Process of Transition towards Bioeconomy
Bioeconomy often implicates reusing and recycling of the products, with the main aim to extend the life cycle of the products and resources. By gathering all relevant stakeholders of the regional innovation system based on the triple- or quadruple helix model collaboration, clusters can facilitate the cross-sectoral collaboration but also support companies in placing the biobased products on the market. More...
Annual Forum of EUSDR
As a key event of the 2019 EUSDR Presidency, under the Romanian EU Council Presidency, the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of Romania, the European Commission and the Danube Transnational Program are jointly organizing the 8th Annual Forum on 27th and the 28th of June 2019 in Bucharest (Palace of Parliament). More...
Wood Dust Exposure and Energy Efficiency - The Campaign Continues!
On Wednesday 22nd of May, a workshop about risks of being exposed to the wood dust was organized in City of Virovitica (Croatia), in the Pannon Wood Competence Centre. The workshop was organized by Croatian Wood Cluster within the framework of FORESDA activities related to the pilot project Energy efficiency for Workplace safety. The aim of the pilot is to encourage employers to modernize the wood dust collection systems in order to contribute to the workplace health and safety environment. More...
Danube and Mediterranean will make the Difference!
The capitalization among Interreg Danube projects is interesting, but the capitalization among Interreg Danube and the Mediterranean even more! Last week Croatian Wood Cluster was invited to participate in the GREENOMED project meeting in Lyon to discuss the practical transfer of the GREENOMED methodology and best practices and lessons learned in different regional innovation ecosystems. More...
FORESDA Consortium in Sofia
FORESDA project members organized a meeting in Sofia at the end of March. The focus of the meeting was on the joint innovation agenda, one of the most interesting but also one of the most challenging project activities. Namely, this project activity aims to generate cross-sectoral and transnational innovation activities by providing support to at least 90 SMEs in establishing cooperation with the R&D sector. More...
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