Danube GeoTour - Final events in Austria and the Czech Republic


Final Events in Austria and the Czech Republic


Fig 1: GeoRafting in the UNESCO Global Geopark Styrian Eisenwurzen


The first project partners had their final events of the Interreg Danube GeoTour in June 2019. Every project partner has it's own final event presenting their GeoProducts and GeoInterpretation outputs.

The crossboarder UNESCO Global Geopark Karawanken-Karavanke in Austria and Slovenia had their event at the secondary school in Lavamuend, Austria with the main theme "presenting and testing the new geoproduct “Geobiking” and project results in the Karawanken-Karavanke UNESCO Global Geopark". In the frame of the final event they presented the project and achieved results, especially the new innovative geoOutdoor product “GeoBiking", which was developed by external experts Podzemlje Pece d.o.o. In the frame of the project Danube GeoTour they established different geobike tours for different target groups. Furthermore they presented to public their new leaflet with new geobike tours (guided or self-guided), which was printed in 3 different languages (DE, SLO, EN).  Visitors could test and experience a part of the Geopark Karawanken-Karavanke Geobike GrandTour accompanying by mountainbike guide and try out mountainbiking skills training.

Also at the UNESCO Global Geopark Styrian Eisenwurzen in Austria visitors of the "GeoRafting season opening" had the chance to explore an outdoor activitiy. The event started with a GeoRafting tour along the river Salza. In the evening visitors could gain more information about the product and project during an interactive presentation of the results. Guests enjoyed local food and local products. The event took place at the main GeoRafting partner's side - Rafting camp Palfau in the Geopark municipality Landl. 

The name of the final event at the Železné hory National Geopark in the Czech republic was "Gold panning 2019". The idea was to show gold and minerals panning and making jewellery out of them. It took place in Chrudim next to the theatre building. Refreshments and various information about the project and Geopark was provided. 


Fig 2: Final event in Austria - GeoBiking in the

UNESCO Global Geopark Karawanken-Karavanke


Fig 3: Final event in Austria - representatives of the

UNESCO Global Geopark Karawanken-Karavanke

Fig 4: Poster of the final event in the Czech Republic

Fig 5: Stakeholders of the Styrian Eisenwurzen Geopark

and partners of GeoRafting





...and check out our new image video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=za_1RrLsrtY&t=2s

Available in English and several subtitels! The video gives you a good opportunity to explore the Geoparks and Geosites along the Danube GeoTour. Taste GeoCulture and feel the adventures of GeoOutdoor!

Check us out on facebook: www.facebook.com/danubegetour/


Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA).

Copyright pictures regarding the whole newsletter: Karawanken-Karavanke, Styrian Eisenwurzen, Iron Mountain



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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)