


Based on the experience of running more than 60 face-to-face trainings during the last 12 months the DIGITRANS consortium has now released a train-the-trainer guide to support trainers in offering trainings to SMEs in the development of digital business model ideas using the DIGITRANS method.

Within this guide interested trainers can find:

  • a short and comprehensive description of the DIGITRANS blended learning process,
  • clear instructions on how and when to use which method in the training setting,
  • a checklist and overview on relevant lessons learned when organising such trainings and
  • helpful handouts and templates to be used for the organisation and follow-up of such trainings.

The guide can be downloaded here in English. Further additional materials for trainers can also be found on the DIGITRANS platform.




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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)