ATTRACTIVE DANUBE - Newsletter - June 2019




Dear readers,

There are only a few days left until the end of the project, and we would like to thank you for the time and attention you have devoted to this project. Whether it was direct participation in workshops, completing a questionnaire or using the various outcomes of this project, it was a great help for us to work with you.

In this newsletter we would like to summarize in a nutshell the most important things that came out of this project.


Main project outputs


During the project many outputs have been created. All the outputs have been summarized in the project Library. The most important ones are:

•    Territorial Attractiveness Atlas of the Danube Region
•    Territorial Attractiveness Monitoring Platform - A Handbook for Policy Planners
•    Final Publication





Territorial Attractiveness Monitoring Platforms (TAMP)


Within the ATTRACTIVE DANUBE project was developed Territorial Attractiveness Monitoring Platform (TAMP) which is an interactive cartographic application for displaying statistical data. This platform was developed by Geodetic Institute of Slovenia and the project partners provided inputs from their freely available data sources for their country. TAMP provide attractiveness indicators with a use of an interactive web map viewer as well as provides powerful analytical tools for spatial querying.



Bosnia and Herzegovina




Czech Republic


















Final Project Conference


Project outputs and conclusions were presented at the project Final Conference held in the area of the beautiful Postojna Cave Park. All presentations can be found on the Final Conference website. In the project Library can be also found Final Conference Scrapbook.




We would like to thank everyone involved in the project for the fruitful cooperation!


Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)