
project youmig (2017-2019) draws to a close


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In the final weeks of the YOUMIG project the partnership is bringing activities to a close, making a concerted effort to finalise outputs and deliver results. In a project like this one, where different professions meet to work towards a unified goal, it is always important to check that results make sense from all angles. Statisticians, researchers and municipality administrators have been working together against a backdrop of support from the local community to tie all the knots together. The topic of youth migration in the Danube region has been revisited from all these angles, and recommendations have been raised about the future of handling youth migration transnationally, and at the local level.


We hope you enjoy reading the details about our operations!


strategy and data toolkit


One of the most comprehensive outputs in YOUMIG are the local strategies prepared for seven municipalities in the partnership. It is our hope that these strategies will serve as examples for other municipalities that may wish to expand on their knowledge about youth migration trends. The topic is explored from several different dimensions, organised into concise and easy-to-understand chapters for decision makers and local administrators who are interested in the topic.


Access the YOUMIG local strategies here.


national recommendations


All the  YOUMIG partners prepared recommendations to their  national administration on central bodies based on  an exercise called the MLG scheme (multi-level government). It has proven to be a useful assessment of how different levels of governments could pull together in an attempt to patch up any holes or glitches that may be found in the complex processes of government in relation to youth migration in particular.


Download the National Recommendations


better data on youth migration 


Three outputs trace the massive work undertaken by  statisticians and researchers into YOUMIG’s goal to improve data about youth migration. Work package leader Ekaterina Skoglund (IOS, Regensburg) is here to tell it all in a Data Story (Part I and II).




Data Story Part I                      Data Story Part II


infographics – strategy illustrations


We have added useful illustrations that explain each phase of the project and how they are interconnected.


There are also new infographics about Germany/Regensburg and Slovenia/Maribor.


Visit the infographics gallery!


working papers – vols. 2, 3 and 4 complete the series


To offer something for the scientific community, YOUMIG authors added three new volumes to the first Conceptual Paper bringing three approaches to the topic:

  • Youth migration and development
  • Quantitative analysis
  • Migration and local administration


Download Working Papers 1, 2, 3, 4


project video and local videos


It is time to picture it all – a visual guide through the YOUMIG’s project’s 36 months of activities! Enjoy!

Play YOUMIG local videos                                        Play full YOUMIG PROJECT VIDEO






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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)