EDU-LAB Newsletter vol.13.
Dear Readers,
This is the last EDU-LAB newsletter, as the project is coming to an end this summer. The EDU-LAB partnership consortium held the project`s final conference in Zagreb in May, attended by more than 120 participants. Partners and stakeholders signed the Danubian Charter for Young Talents.
The publication presenting the results of EDU-LAB has also been presented in Zagreb, you can download it here.
You can find more information on the event below as well as news on upcoming events related to EDU-LAB and Danube Transnational Programme.
Best regards,
Krisztina Tóth - on behalf of the EDU-LAB project consortium
edu-lab final conference "better chances for young people in the danube region"
On 16-17 May, EDU-LAB held its final conference to showcase and celebrate project results. To reinforce their commitment to better linking education to employment in the Danube Region, more than 50 stakeholders representing ministries, higher education institutes and businesses from 10 countries in the Danube Region signed the Danubian Charter for Young Talents.
On the second day, the most important project results were presented in the framework of interactive workshops. Workshops were led by partners from the Automotive Industry Association of the Slovak Republic (Slovakia), the German-Slovak Chamber of Industry and Commerce (Slovakia), Institute Mihajlo Pupin (Serbia), John von Neumann University (Hungary) and University of Maribor (Slovenia). In the framework of an open space workshop led by the Foundation Knowledge and Work, participants also discussed issues related to capitalization, sustainability of results and possible future cooperation. Read more...
edu-lab steering committee and partner meeting
The 5th and last EDU-LAB Steering Committee was held on 15 May in Zagreb, before the final conference of the project. Partners reviewed the achieved results and discussed possible ways of future cooperation. Read more...
learning by doing bilateral staff exchange in stuttgart
Learning by Doing, an INTERREG project we have been cooperating with for 2,5 years in the framework of the DTP Thematic Pole 9 on Educational Governance will be our guest in Stuttgart on 29 May. While EDU-LAB is focusing on linking education to employment in the tertiary sector, Learning by Doing is aiming at capacity building of stakeholders involved in vocational education and training. The upcoming Bilateral Staff Exchange is co-hosted by Kolping-Bildungswerk Württemberg e.V. Participants will exchange their experiences of vocational education in diverse fields, such as geriatric care or mechanical engineering and will discuss possibilities of cooperation within the framework of the Thematic Pole.
indeed´s capitalization event
Results of the DTP Thematic Pole 9 on Educational Governance will be shared at INDEED`s capitalization event on June 5 in Bratislava. EDU-LAB partners Henrich Hipca (Automotive Industry Association of the Slovak Republic) and Barbara Plachá (German-Slovak Chamber of Industry and Commerce) will hold a presentation on learning systems developed in the framework of projects within Thematic Pole 9.
8th eusdr annual forum
The 8th EUSDR Annual Forum will be held on 27-28 June in Bucharest, with the key topics being connectivity and regional mobility, digitalization, tourism and post-.2020 EU policy design. EDU-LAB is among the five selected projects to be presented during the Forum. Come join us in Bucharest, if you have the chance! Registration is still open until 18 June. For further information, consult the official website.
Excellence-in-resti Pilot Training Final meeting and award ceremony
Dr. des. Ágnes Sebestyén, Project Director of EDU-LAB and Leader of Thematic Pole 9 Educational Governance will take part in a roundtable discussion on "E-learning programmes within the Danube Region: common challenges, shared lessons and potential synergies” during the Excellence-in-ReSTI Pilot Training Final Meeting and Award Ceremony. The project consortium of the Excellence-in-ReSTI project is pleased to invite you to the Excellence-in-ReSTI Pilot Training Final Meeting and Award Ceremony that will take place at the Charles University in Prague on 1 July 2019. Feedback for the ReSTI.academy and the experience gained from other blended learning programmes will be discussed, and the 25 pilot training participants will be awarded a certificate for the successful completion of the Excellence-in-ReSTI e-learning modules. Although Excellence-in-ReSTI is not part of Thematic Pole 9, we have been cooperating in the past year thanks to the common topic of developing new learning systems.
dtp video competition winners
The winners of the DTP Video Competition were announced, you can watch the winning short films here. Congratulations to the winners and all participants!
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