ENERGY BARGE - Newsletter #24


energy Barge - Newsletter #24


Source: Port of Vienna


Welcome to the 24th newsletter of the ENERGY BARGE project!

Our partners from the Port of Vienna and MAHART-Freeport (Port of Budapest) carried out two pilot investments in the frame of the project. The objective is to increase the capacity of the two ports in terms of biomass logistics to support the development of new value chains and to demonstrate the effectiveness of small-scale pilot investments as unprecedented solutions in the respective ports.

The pilot investments were selected as a result of a market analysis and verification with the biomass industry by the participating ports. At the same time, the pilot actions aim to create transferable solutions to other Danube ports.

Please click here to download the newsletter.

We hope you enjoy reading!

The team of ENERGY BARGE


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)