The first step of the third call for proposals of the Danube Transnational Programme was launched on 28th of January 2019 and it lasted open until 8th of March 2019. 276 submissions were received by the deadline, with proposals involving 2853 institutions of the Danube region.
The 3rd call was only open to some Specific Objectives and topics according to this table. The call follows a two-step approach, with applicants being requested to submit firstly Expressions of Interest and then, those pre-selected will need to submit a full Application Form.
After the project website and photo competitions organised in previous years, the Danube Transnational Programme invites all institutions involved in the DTP projects to participate this year in the DTP Video Competition.
All videos must be submitted using the DTP Video Competition form and follow the rules. Each DTP project can submit up to two videos. The best ones will be selected by a jury composed by members of the DTP JS staff, considering as well the number of likes received on Facebook.
As in previous years, the Danube Transnational Programme will be one of the organisers of the 8th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, along with the Romanian Presidency and the European Commission.
The forum will take place on 27th and 28th of June in Bucharest and the registration is expected to be open from April 2019.
The DTP will have again a strong role in the Forum with the organisation of:
- A plenary session on the second day to highlight the present and future roles of the DTP for a better Danube Region, with the participation of several DTP projects.
- A specific space dedicated to the programme and its projects in the exhibition area.
Stay tuned to register for the Forum and, meanwhile, read more about last year event here.
The DTP organised on 19th March 2019, in Budapest, a joint meeting for the Thematic Pole Leaders and respective Priority Area Coordinators of the EUSDR with the wish to understand where the process is heading to.
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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)