Danube GeoTour - 9th Newsletter - GeoMarketing in Hungary and Germany


GeoMarketing at the ITB in Berlin - World's Largest Tourism Fair


At the beginning of March, the project partners of the Interreg Danube GeoTour had the possibility to present their activities and outputs at ITB Berlin. Alongside other UNESCO Global Geoparks around the world, the Interreg Danube GeoTour was present at the booth of the Global Geoparks Network at Hall 4.1. in the “Youth travel, adventure travel, responsible tourism and economy accommodation” segment.

During the five days of the fair, various visitors were attracted by the new image video, new image brochure and the new GeoTour info stand. UNESCO Global Geoparks Hateg (Romania), Bakony-Balaton (Hungary) and Idrija (Slovenia) offered a degustation of their GeoProducts which was very popular with the guests stopping by our booth. Geopark Železné hory from the Czech Republic surprised visitors with a self-developed GeoApp that includes Augmented Reality, while Idrija UNESCO Global Geopark had the chance to present its lace-making tradition.

Four of the partners had prepared a special photo corner to present the GeoOutdoor products they had developed. Each visitor got a polaroid picture as a souvenir gift which displayed them GeoRafting at Styrian Eisenwurzen (Austria), GeoBiking in UNESCO Global Geopark Karavanke (Austria/Slovenia), GeoClimbing in Papuk (Croatia) or GeoHiking in Aspiring Geopark Djerdap (Serbia ). In addition, goodies such as postcards and magnets were given out.

Communication Manager Oliver Gulas had the chance to present the project and the image film of the Interreg Danube GeoTour during the 14th Pow-Wow for Tourism Professionals in the hall mentioned above. In conclusion, the presentation of the Interreg Danube GeoTour and its activities at the ITB has been successful following its four key messages:

  • Feel the Geopark’s nature and geodiversity
  • Experience Earth’s History along the Danube
  • Enjoy meeting the people, traditions and cultural heritage
  • Explore GeoCulture and GeoOutdoor activities



Successful final project Meeting in Hungary


The Bakony-Balaton UNESCO Global Geopark in Hungary had the chance to welcome the Danube GeoTour project partners from 8 countries. During the four days in Hungary the partners discussed the development of their GeoInterpretation sites, GeoProducts and the Danube GeoTour promotional campaign for the last period in 2019. The partners discussed also the promotion of Geoparks at the international tourism fair (ITB) in Berlin, Germany. A press conference on the second day for Hungarian media outlined the achieved activities and outputs. The press conference included the release of our innovative info stands, image brochures and image film. In addition, a field trip to Szent György-hegy renewed nature trail & Tapolca Lake Cave Visitor Centre was enjoyed by the partners. This field trip was a very good example of GeoInterpretation. The field trip day ended with a cultural evening including local music and dancing. In conclusion, every partner was satisfied concerning the successful final meeting and is looking forward to the last project period. The project team just would add many thanks to the organizers from Bakony-Balaton UNESCO Global Geopark including all their involved helpers and partners.


Image Video Release: Explore the danube GeoTour


...and check out our new image video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dbdh9mK-L28


Available in English and several subtitels! The video gives you a good opportunity to explore the Geoparks and Geosites along the Danube GeoTour. Taste GeoCulture and feel the adventures of GeoOutdoor!


Check us out on facebook: www.facebook.com/danubegetour/




Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA).


Copyright pictures regarding the whole newsletter: Korbély Barnabás



Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
E-mail: danube@interreg-danube.eu  | Web: www.interreg-danube.eu


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)