Made in Danube - No 8 / Jan 2019




Made in Danube at a glance

Within the Made in Danube consortium we truly believe in the economic strength and potential of the Danube Region and at the same time share the vision to overcome cultural, economic and ecological impediments with joint forces. One of the main territorial challenges concerns the low competitiveness of SMEs, often caused by the lack of innovation capacities of involved actors.

The Made in Danube project responds to this challenge using a three-fold approach: it will develop a common strategy to transform ideas into marketable products and services which shall facilitate the conversion of knowledge into innovative solutions. It will create tools and services to facilitate the process of developing collaborative projects. Last but not least, it supports good practices exchange in the area of innovation and technology transfer linked to bioeconomy.


project progress


"Made in Danube" project has 6 exciting months of joint efforts to process the results of the project for the final event on 3rd June 2019. But it's not just about reaching targets or writing deliverables! We want to make the results that we have achieved within the framework of "Made in Danube", sustainable and usable for the region in the long term. The past 6 months have been dominated by training sessions, workshops and brokerage events aiming to contribute to capacity building and to offer actors from the entire Danube Region the opportunity for networking and mutual exchange. The concept of social innovation was explained within the framework of dedicated trainings in Novi Sad, Maribor and Vukovar and it was jointly discussed to what extent innovative, future-oriented solutions can be found in new places - beyond traditional organisational structures - in a transparent and collaborative way together with those affected. The Brokerage Events, which took place at the end of November in Nitra and Budapest, contributed to the thematic networking. 50 players from the fields of sustainable forestry, biofuels and smart precision farming offered their skills, products and services in order to find a perfect match for their organisation. The results of the matchmaking events are an integral step towards the creation of innovation partnership agreements in which the parties involved agree on long-term, transnational cooperation. The signing of innovation partnership agreements is one of the main objectives of the Made in Danube project. The events gathered mostly public authorities and representatives of the EUSDR PAs as well as partners of thematically related projects. The events served for discussions and knowledge/best practice exchange as well as to share the common grounds for the further collaboration in the scope of achieving the goals of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. Within the current period 5 of the project, more outcomes related to policy recommendations will be elaborated.


local action plan for biofuels


The term biofuels is related to diverse fuels based on biomass, unprocessed and processed, used for all sectors. The term biomass, concerning its use as a fuel, comprises three state of aggregation, state of matter: 1. Solid, like wood and crop residues in different forms; 2. Liquid, like biodiesel (FAME, fatty acids methyl esters) and bioethanol and 3. Gaseous, like biogas. The term biofuels includes all three states, independent on their use. Biomass can be used for all three sectors: electricity generation, heating & cooling, transport. Biomass utilization as renewable energy source plays an important role within bioeconomy, it contributes to the reduction of CO2.

Made in Danube Action Plan for Biofuels

local action plan for competence centre  - wood sector


The EU Strategy for the Danube Region supports the Europe 2020 strategy by contributing to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in the region with its different pillars. In pillar “C Building Prosperity in the Danube Region” the priority area 8 foresees “to support the competitiveness of enterprises, including cluster development”.

Among the proposed actions is “To foster cooperation and exchange of knowledge between SMEs, academia and the public sector in areas of competence in the Danube Region”. “Sustainable forestry” is also among the priority areas identified for the Danube territory by the EC’s Joint Research Centre - JRC.


Made in Danube Action Plan for the Competence Centre - Wood Sector

local action plan for smart and innovative precision farming


Smart/precision agriculture/farming (SA/SF, PA/PF) is a farming management concept based upon observing, measuring and responding to inter and intra ‐ field variability in crops or in aspects of animal rearing. It is also related to more recent approaches linked to climate change resilience, such as climate ‐ smart agriculture (CSA) and it is linked to key drivers directly related to worldwide issues such as sustainable agriculture & food security. Smart Farming represents the application of modern information and communication technologies (ICT) including robotics in agriculture, leading to what can be called a “Third Green Revolution”. 

Made in Danube Action Plan for Smart and innovative precision farming

the danube transnational innovation cooperation e-tool

The consortium members of the Interreg DTP “Made in Danube” project would like to get to know you better by asking you some questions: Do you want to boost the competitiveness of your products or services? Are you interested in technology transfer and innovation support? Is the bio-economy entity you represent located in the Danube Region? Do you want to become a project partner or leader in this region? Are you looking for organizations with visions compatible to yours? If your answer is Yes - then we should definitely be in contact as soon as possible.

For more information, please visit:

technology offers and technology request in the field of bioeconomy

The aim of Made in Danube is to boost three already existing regional innovation pilot initiatives in the field of bio-economy. Operating in agro-biotechnologies, wood-processing and bio-energy, they all have significant potential for eco-innovation but still fail to fully exploit it because of the “missing links” to required resources. Using a platform and simple TO/TR tools, the companies and the R&D entities can practically master the varying demands associated with product innovation, participate at brokerage events and match-making the TO and TR.

More infos:

hungarian brokerage event for the wood sector and biofuels, 20 November 2018, budapest


The Danube macro-region provides ideal framework conditions in the field of forestry and biofuels due to high-quality natural resources, long tradition, well-known universities and SMEs operating in given area. 31 participants, representatives of SMEs and R&D Institutes from the Danube region countries shared their good practices and exchanged their experience in order to make the local knowledge in the field of bio-economy available at transnational level. Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research (BZN) organized this matchmaking event to bring together the representatives of SMEs, R&D institutions and academia to foster local innovation capacity through good practices examples and knowledge exchange in the wood sector and area of biofuels.

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brokerage event on smart and innovative precision farming, 26 november 2018, nitra, slovakia

The aim was to bring together the representatives of SMEs, R&D institutions and academia to foster local innovation capacity through good practices examples and knowledge exchange in the area of Smart and Innovative Precision Farming. The Brokerage Event was attended by more than 30 participants from 5 countries.

During the whole event, active discussion among participants was conducted, whereby the participants not only participated in the matchmaking event, but also presented their products, services and innovative ideas. Furthermore, several project partners had short presentations, too.There was also place to create the synergy with other INTERREG project - Crowd Stream - which was presented by the ConPlusUltra Ltd. 

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social innovation training, 29 november 2018, vonkovci, croatia

A training course was held at the premises of the Vukovar-Srijem County Development Agency, Croatia. The Social Innovation Training was held under the Transnational Cooperation Project to Transform Knowledge into Sustainable Products and Services for the Sustainable Danube Society of the Future - Made in Danube. The training brought together around 20 representatives of SMEs, early stage project managers in research, social and technological innovation, and young graduates as first-time applicants to transnational projects from business sector, with the aim to improve the framework conditions for innovation by supporting the collaboration process between companies and RTO in the innovation-driven field of bio economy and thus teach participants about social innovation processes and how to identify key areas and concrete steps to optimize the business results

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social innovation training, 18 december 2018, maribor, slovenia


Maribor – the 2018 European Capital for Social Economy - was the perfect place for organising our last Social Innovation Training and to contribute to create a common understanding on what social innovation actually offers and, more importantly, how it can be done in practice. 33 participants were present at the event.

In such a framework, the training was successfully organized by the local partner - Knowledge and technology office of University of Maribor who also created ad-hoc synergies with the Association for Social Economy of Slovenia to provide a further occasion to learn from real case studies and examples of Social Innovations in Slovenia.

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2nd policy dialogue workshop, 2 november 2018, bucharest, romania


The Policy Dialogue and EUSDR PAs’ Cross-fertilisation Workshop -Competitiveness and Innovation for Long-lasting Transnational Collaboration in the Danube Region’s Bio-economy field was organized in Bucharest, Romania. Around 35 participants met to share ideas and take a step to explore synergies between Danube Strategy Priority Areas, in order to identify future opportunities of collaboration with particular focus on bio-economy. The event aimed also at providing inputs for strategic decisions in the future through an inclusive and interactive bottom-up approach. The event was locally organized by the Romanian Ministry of Research & Innovation, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the national coordinator for the EU Danube Region Strategy. 

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made in danube training handbooks

Accompanying the trainings and workshops that took place within the Made in Danube project, manuals were written by the responsible partners as part of the training toolkit. The handbooks provide participants an introduction to the material before the training and an overview to be followed during the course. The manuals also give the general public an insight into the subject of the training. They also serve as a general reference document.

Handbooks are available for e-learning here



synergies with other projects


CrowdStream, CROWD funding to main STREAM innovation

The project aims at improving the effectiveness of public/private business support for innovative enterprises to access qualitative alternative financing.Why this was deemed a crucial objective for the Danube Region by project partners and the DTP alike? The rise of crowd funding as an innovative financing tool over the past decade is a result of the on-going digitalisation of processes and communication in our society, with easy access to high-speed internet and digital devices.

More info

CrowdStream at the Brokerage event organised by project Made in Danube, 26 November 2018, Nitra, Slovakia

The matchmaking event brought together SMEs representatives, R&D institutions and academia interested in smart and innovative precision farming. Following an invitation by the organisers Union of Slovak Clusters, ConPlusultra presented CrowdStream results and upcoming activities. The participants benefited from the synergies created through intertwining of the thematic topics represented by two projects and also from a matching event that brought together experts from different partner organisations in an exchange of good practices examples and innovation-specific knowledge.

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ROSEWOOD project and their best practice & innovation data bank

The ROSEWOOD project seeks to boost inter-regional knowledge transfer among forestry and wood industry stakeholders in Europe by collecting and disseminating best practices and innovations in sustainable wood mobilisation. ROSEWOOD consortium is currently asking forest owners, contractors and representatives of the wood industry, to tell them about the challenges they encounter in their work and their current needs. The surveys' results will build the basis for the ROSEWOOD transfer of best practices and innovations in sustainable wood industry. Answering takes only about 15 minutes. You, too, can contribute to the ROSEWOOD best practice & innovation data bank. So far, the partners of the ROSEWOOD Hubs in South, East, Central and North Europe collected over 120 best practices & innovations in various realms such as digitalisation, silviculture, timber construction or education. The results will be soon made available to the public through a data base on the ROSEWOOD website.

More infos 


Interregional Roadmap Workshop within the Adriatic Wood Days, 4 December 2018, Dubrovnik, Croatia

Competence Centre Ltd for research and development, as a project partner and Eastern Europe Hub Manager, presented the ROSEWOOD Project (H2020) and organised the Interregional Roadmap Workshop within the Adriatic Wood Days international conference. The Adriatic Wood Days is a central event of the sector in southeast Europe and Mediterranean, foresters, leading wood processing companies, education institutions, profession organisations, development agencies, international experts and policy makers, organised by Croatian Wood Cluster. During two days conference, the EU programs and use of funds, the European projects, the novelties, the successful regional projects with emphasis on the role of the biomass in the energy sector were presented to over 150 participants.

Made in Danube project was presented in synergy with ROSEWOOD project.

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DanubeEnergy+- Boost potential of young innovators to pioneer change in energy efficiency

DanubeEnergy+ tackles the need for change in regional ecosystems to support Young Innovators in transforming their disruptive ideas into ventures. Project´s objective is to create an environment, which will support Young innovators to pioneer a change in the energy efficiency area by setting up highly innovative startups in the Danube macro-region. Danube Energy+ ecosystem Package as an innovative learning system for key regional ecosystem actors are developed by using learning interaction among project partners and inclusive design process involving regional public administrations, universities, SMEs and business supporting actors.

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Made in Danube - Synergy with other Interreg / SEE / H2020 / IPA II Projects

Danube S3 Cluster- Transnational Cluster Cooperation active on Agro–food, based on Smart Specialization Approach in Danube region. “Made in Danube” use the consulting network established in the project. More infos

EcoInn Danube- Eco-innovatively connected Danube Region. As AP, we participated at internationals events. More infos

DanuBioValNet - Cross-clustering partnership for boosting eco-innovation by developing a joint bio-based value-added network for the Danube Region. “Made in Danube” use the consulting network established in the project. More infos

4BIOMASS- Fostering the sustainable usage of renewable energy sources in Central Europe - putting biomass into action. “Made in Danube” use the transnational action plan generated in this project. More infos

COACH BioEnergy - Strengthening the energetic use of biomass in Central & Eastern Europe by establishing a standardised transnational consulting net for regions. “Made in Danube” uses the established consulting network. More infos

DanubeEnergy- Improving eco-efficiency of bio-energy production and supply in riparian areas of the Danube river basin and other floodplains in Central Europe. „Made in Danube” uses the results from the demonstrator project. More infos

GovernEE- Good Governance in Energy Efficiency. „Made in Danube” use the tool-kit and cooperate with the competence centre from this project. More infos

MANERGY- Paving the way for self-sufficient regional energy supply based on sustainable energy concepts and renewable energy sources, „Made in Danube” uses the digital map of renewable energy places and create synergies with local action plans from this project. More infos

AGRIFORVALOR - (H2020) - Bringing added value to agriculture and forest sectors by closing the research and innovation divide. More infos

ROSEWOOD - (H2020) - Sustainable Wood for Europe. Enhancing sustainable wood mobilisation through inter-regional knowledge transfer. “Made in Danube” use the consulting network established in the project. More infos

WOOD - Clustering knowledge, Innovation and Design in the SEE WOOD sector ID: WOOD (SEE – 4th Call) - more infos

PROGRES – Protection of Nature and Globalization of Renewable Energy Sources (IPA II – CBC Croatia-BIH). More infos


bioeconomy forum

Bioeconomy sector could represent an important driver for Europe’s reindustrialisation

A recent article in the Horizon Magazine highlights the efforts and achievements of experts in bio-based industries, who are at the forefront of the transition towards a sustainable, low-carbon future in the EU. Turning food waste and waste-water sludge into bioplastics and converting decommissioned factories into new biorefineries are exemplary approaches that are outlined in the article. Read More 


Selection for your Agenda


calls/ bioeconomy capital

3rd Call for proposals of the Danube Transnational Programme

The call will be opened soon and will follow a 2-step approach. The DTP provide with appropriate information about the programme, the options and conditions for the development of the project ideas into full-fledged project proposals, assessment, and selection procedures. Areas of intervention: innovation, environment, accessibility, governance. More infos

Selection for your Agenda


events in the field of bioeconomy, technology transfer, innovation and finding business partner


15th Business Matchmaking Event during Hannover Messe 2019, 1 April 2019, Hannover, Germany

The 15th edition of the international brokerage event at HANNOVER MESSE – the world’s leading industrial trade show – will take place from 1st to 5th April 2019. Over 30,000 business meetings amongst 4,000 companies have been organised in the framework of this brokerage event since 2005. More infos


Selection for your Agenda

5-6 February, rev3days-international-bookerage-event, Lille, France

12 February, Start-up-Day-From-biosciences-to-bioproduction, Toulouse, France

13 February, Multisectorial brokerage event at Transfiere 2019, Málaga, Spain

25-26 February, European-Conference_Waste_Management_in_the_Circular_Economy_2019, Berlin, Germany

4-5 March, Brokerage-event-from-the-first-idea-to-business-deals, Luxembourg

15 March, B2Match-event-during-Manufacturing-Industry-Exhibition-&-Conference, Istambul, Turkey

11-14 April, AGRARIA, International Trade Fair for Agriculture, Food Industry and Animal Husbandry, Jucu, Romania

7 May, Swiss-biotech-day-2019, Basel, Switzerland

5-6 June, Atmos’-Fair-Outdoors-and-Indoor-air-pollution-Air-Climate-Energy, Lyon, France 



technology offers, technology requests


Launch of bio-based solvent to replace toxic solvents

Researchers from Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence and Circa Sustainable Chemicals UK developed a new and safer bio-based solvent named ‘Cyrene’ which is produced in two steps from renewable cellulose obtained from plantation softwood sawdust, resulting in a significantly lower environmental footprint than traditionally used solvents. More infos


Technology Offers – Wood sector, Biofuels, Precision farming

Demonstrative bio-refinery to scale-up the production of bio-products and bio-fuels from biomass.Spain

Determination of disinfection by-products in drinking water.

Retrofitting of a one-megawatt biogas plant or for newly constructed plants

A technology to effectively utilize and recycle sewage sludge.


Technology Requests

Innovative French SME developping pyrogasification-based process is looking for expertise in gas separation...

Romanian association looks for technology for potato starch production through commercial agreement...


research, innovation and entrepreneurship

Selection for your Agenda


clusters & smes

Selection for your Agenda


made in danube lead partner team

Social Media - Made in Danube

News and information about Made in Danube will constantly be shared via Social Media Channels. Follow us now on: Twitter, Facebook & LinkedIN & YouTube

Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum of the Steinbeis Innovation GmbH
Address: Steinhäuserstraße 12, 76135, Karlsruhe, Germany

Daniela Chiran: phone:+49 721 935 1932,

Miljana Ćosić: phone +49 721 935 19 138,

Isabel Trömel: phone: +49 721 935 1933,


Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)