URBforDAN - Get some impressions of the progress of the partnercitys!


Strengthening the dialogue for the benefit of urban forest and the people


A lot of work was done since the kick-off of the URBforDAN project in Slovenia in September!
Here is a short overview of what happened so far in the partner cities - without claim of completeness.




Cluj-Napoca municipality and Cluj Metropolitan Area held their workshop to bring together project owners and forest users for URBforDAN international project. They discussed the importance of urban forest management in the focus area.




Here is (picture on the left) an impression of the introductory workshop held in Ivano-Frankivsk. In the meantime the second meeting with stakeholder was held. This time, project team communicated with the forestmanagers and forestry workers.




Stakeholder engagement is the core element of the URBforDAN Project, and therefore the City of Ljubljana organised two workshops with users and owners of the forest, the Golovec Hill. Together with more than 70 participants of both workshops they strived to find best solutions for urban forests.




All kinds of interest groups and users of the Vienna Danube Island took part in the workshop in Vienna. All received the urban forest questionnaires, as they were distributed in the other URBforDAN partner cities as part of the project.




Zagreb, the host of our second international partner meeting in December, organized
amongst other things
a field work meeting, visited the project location, the Park forest Grmošćica, exchanged ideas and experiences and jointly devised guidelines for future team work.




Also in Budapest URBforDAN project is progressing in big steps. Among the workshop the questionnaire was sent out, to get the opinion of stakeholder and users of urban forest. In the picture you see the focus area, the 495-meter-tall Hármashatár Hill, lying on the hilly Buda side in the II. district of Budapest.




And last not least here is Belgrade like always in action for the URBforDAN project with a workshop bringing together stakeholder and users of their urban forest named Avala.


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Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
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E-mail: danube@interreg-danube.eu  | Web: www.interreg-danube.eu


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)