
About the Project



Project objectives:

  1. Empowering SEs through bridging public & private sector best practices
  2. Better engaging SEs with their ecosystems
  3. Creating an improved policy landscape for SE



DA-SPACE | DIGITRANS | Excellence-in-ReSTI | NewGenerationSkills





This reporting period saw a very intense activity toward connecting social enterprises with socially responsible companies. AII partners started with the implementation of offline trainings for social enterprises as well as the pitching activities between socially responsible companies and social enterprises.




3rd Regional Stakeholder Meeting in romania


On the 22nd of November, SMRDA. organized in Pitesti, Arges, the 3rd Regional Stakeholder Meeting and a Pitching Event. The aim of the event was to establish collaboration relationships between CSR companies (which undertake social responsibility activities) and social enterprises such as: exchange of experience and good practices, training or mentoring.


The event attended the Associated Strategic Partner of SMRDA, the Chamber of Commerce, lndustry and Agriculture of Arges County, representatives of the social economy sector, associations, foundations, social enterprises, protected units, local public administration, as well as corporations that carry out CSR activities. During the  meeting the following  was presented: 1. the main activities carried out from the beginning of the project, 2. the training course that will be organized in Pitesti, Arges County, in January 2018, and 3. the Regional Action Plan elaborated within the project. The Regional Action Plan, which will be implemented  by the end of the  project, is structured on three main actions: the creation of an on-line platform required to boost cooperation between social entrepreneurs and traditional companies, training, mentoring and coaching actions, as well as an online Social Economy Awareness Raising Campaign through the South Muntenia Regional Development Agency website and social media accounts.




On 13th December 2018 ZSI organised the third Austrian SENSES Stakeholder Meeting. Representatives from social enterprises, intermediary and expert organisations participated in  the  third  stakeholder meeting. Katharina Handler and lrina Vana from ZSI gave an overview on  the  ongoing  project activities and intermediate results. The presentation focused especially on the SENSES strategy for the Danube region and the Austrian regional action plan, which is aiming at the establishment of a lobby of social enterprises. Afterwards the participants discussed on  topics  and  requests  for  a  lobby.  They brainstormed and shared ideas regarding frameworks supporting the further development of a lobby, institutional links that would be beneficial  and  on  how  a  lobby  could  support  networking  of stakeholders.


The participants agreed that it is important to provide a platform for social enterprises to exchange information, knowledge and news. The core task of a lobby of social enterprises is to address common obstacles social enterprises face and to support a political culture and structures favourable for the development of the social enterprise landscape. Furthermore, a lobby needs a clear definition, who can be a member, quality criteria for membership and guidelines for communication.








The second regional consultation event organized by Regional development agency Gorenjska, BSC Kranj was implemented on 11th September 2018. Theme of the event were opportunities within the public procurement for social enterprises, companies for disabled and employment centres. At the regional consultation event the  representative  from the Ministry of Public Administration presented the opportunities for social enterprises within the Law for public procurement - how  to  include organizations of the social economy in the public procurement. She presented the Law for public procurement (ZJN-3) and the Article which speaks about reserved public procurement when the contracting authority can only invite companies for disabled and employment centres to participate in the public procurement procedure, social enterprises and enterprises with social content as defined by the Law of Social Entrepreneurship. For the practical point of view, we invited also social enterprises to talk about their concrete problems and challenges in the field of public procurement. Three social enterprises: POTENTIAL, STONGA and RECOSI presented their own activities and experiences in the field of public procurement.

The analyses of the current situation for the preparation of Regional Action Plan showed that in Gorenjska region, there aren·t regional promotion actions for social enterprises. Events taken under the label "Days of social economy in Gorenjska region" are the first steps to the actions taken on this field. On event, social enterprises were involved in the preparation and also implementation of the events and they had the chance to introduce and promote themselves to the wider public.








On the 22nd of November, SMRDA. also organized a Pitching Event during the second part of the meeting. At the Pitching Event, social enterprises presented their work, both through power point presentations or flyers. The business representatives present at the event have offered their willingness to help them  in  the future by promoting, sponsoring or creating support far social businesses. Following the discussions, social enterprises have stressed that the main support they need is far the  general public to support them by purchasing products  and  services from them. lt  has also been highlighted that social entrepreneurs need an intense promotion of the products and services they offer, as well as financial and logistical support measures far the development of sustainable social enterprises. During the event 7 collaboration relationships between SEs and traditional companies were established.


The training course dedicated to social entrepreneurs will take place on January 2019. Upon completion of the training course, entrepreneurs will be invited to a Pitching event where they will put into practice what they studied, and a first step will be the presentation of the company. Traditional companies will also be invited to  the event to act as mentors and evaluate their work by providing them with ideas far improving their business. These activities aim at training social entrepreneurs and boosting their competitiveness.




On 14th December far the first time in South Bohemia region, representatives of social and traditional enterprises met to explore potential possibilities of cooperation. The first part of the event facused on theory with  a  presentation about CSR activities from Ms. Yana Pancheva, farmer CSR coordinator in a big corporation, and presentation about news in facultative compensation in 2019 from Job Centre representatives. After the theory session, networking part took place in farm  of  a speed date farmat. Six social enterprises met five traditional enterprises and during a five minutes meeting had a chance to introduce their business.




Slovak employers employing more than 20 people are obliged to also employ people with disabilities. Disabled people should account far 3.2% of the tatai number of staff which in case of 52 employees accounts far 2 persons. Companies can also fulfil this duty by purchasing goods or services from sheltered workshops. Slovak Business Agency in cooperation with civic association lnklúzia organized the Speed-dating far protected workshops from all over Slovakia and CSR organizations. Both parties got an opportunity to discuss their offers or needs and thus find the perfect match far the future cooperation. CSR companies contributed to the employment of people with disabilities and, at the same time, they found new suppliers of selected services and goods. Speed­ dating with protected workshops as part of the Radnicka markets event represents  a  unique opportunity of supporting social market in Slovakia.




Fifteen social enterprises participated in the pitching event. Their ideas far starting a business were evaluated on the basis of the following: the authenticity of the idea they presented, the degree of positive influence that the idea has on society, feasibility / commercialization,  the capacity of the individual to realize (knowledge and qualifications), and on the presentation (public performance). The jury had the opportunity to hear a lat of good, new ideas far starting own business, and representatives of social enterprises had a chance to present their ideas in the right way as well as to receive suggestions far improvements needed far further growth and development.


The three best business ideas considering all criteria came from Bagel Bejgl, Shirko Kovina and Artysh Lab. Particularly commendable were the initial ideas presented by Mika Toys and the Creative Studio Kvart from Belgrade.




Regional development agency Gorenjska, BSC Kranj implemented a series of events within the Days of social economy in Gorenjska region. One of the event event was organized as a regional consultation event on Social Economy "Challenges and Opportunities" on which they hosted the state secretary of social economy by Slovene Ministry of Economic Development and Technology. The state secretary presented the Slovene Law on social entrepreneurship, it's novelation and the measures taken by the Ministry far supporting the social enterprises in Slovenia. At the regional consultation event the Foundation Vincent  Draksler so.p., Association Social Economy Slovenia and coworking centre Kovacnica presented their own activities with the focus on the social impact. The event was also great opportunity  far promotion of the label "BUY RESPONSIBLE" raised by Association Social Economy of Slovenia.






On Monday, 3rd of December, NESsT, Hungary, successfully launched the  offline training program under the SENSES program. Background of the program: NESsT and IFKA as part  of  an  international partnership have developed a training program far the SENSES program, which  provides  useful information to all those who are thinking of, or those who have already started a social business idea through a training series.





First module in the short series of educational and collaborative meetings between socially responsible companies and social enterprises was held on December 10th 2018. We started the dialog between socially responsible companies and social enterprises.


The aim of the first meeting was the introduction of the European and Croatian social entrepreneurship and socially responsible practices (institutional and legal frame, social business position, sustainability potentials).




The Slovak Business Agency (SBA}, in cooperation with experienced lecturers, has prepared a series of 6 training sessions far both beginners and established social entrepreneurs, representatives of civic associations, sheltered workshops or non­ profit organizations. Step by step, we went through the topics of business planning, marketing, sales and pricing, financial and HR management and new Slovak legislation frame far social entrepreneurship. We got a very positive feedback from the participants who also created a Facebook group called "Friends of social entrepreneurship" so all involved can stay in touch and exchange interesting articles  and business tips. The series will come to the final in February 2019 with the pitching event. The most successful social business ideas will get an opportunity to present themselves in front of Slovak social investors. Far more infarmation, do not hesitate to contact us on






SENSES partners, participated in 2nd Policy learning Dialogue (PLD) that was held in Slovakia by SBA Slovak Business Agency in Bratislava on October 23. lt brought a fruitful dialogue and many inspirational ideas to improve social business policies in the Danube region. The invitation was accepted by policy­ makers at national and regional level from several Danube Region countries as well as representatives of several organizations dealing with social business support. They gave a valuable input on strategy drafting in their own countries that will help us define SENSES strategy that will be easy to implement by all SENSES countries. Topics like new Slovak legislation on social economy, social banking, policy and strategy creation and best practices from the Danube region were discussed.


Also, in the scope of second Policy Learning Dialogue, the steering committee was held. We discussed work package 4 (Empowerment of SEs), work package 5 (SE catalyzation pilot) and work package 6 (Strategy development). Every partner has explained their Regional action plan which refers to the implementation of the SE Strategy for the Danube Region in their country.


Other News


finding synergies among training programmes for social entrepreneurs in slovakia


How to scale up the education of social entrepreneurs and make synergies among may acceleration programmes in Slovakia was the topic of the 3rd stakeholder meeting in Bratislava (December 12) with the representatives from Slovak Business Agency. Green Foundation, Slovenská sporiteľňa, Nadácia Pontis, Sociálni inovátori, Ministry of Economy and others "Social innovators can make a significant positive impact on communities or society but often lack the sustainability. On the other side, ordinary businesses can achieve a sustainability of profits but lack social impact." said Mr. Kresánek who has years of experience in obtaining finance and preparing business plans for social enterprises. Two training programmes (project Social(i)Makers and SENSES) are coming to an end and Social Economy Academy (prepared by Green Foundation and Slovenská sporiteľňa bank) is about to start in January 2019.


great opportunity for women entrepreneurs in croatia 


IKEA and Mastercard in cooperation with SOLIDARNA – Foundation for human rights and solidarity and Croatian Business Council for Sustainable Development are initiating Support program for economic women empowerment – DARING (Croatian Odvažna).


DARING promotes socially responsible enterprises whose holders are women. Within this pilot project, women entrepreneurs who have developed product or service lines in start-up phase, will be provided  with financial support, access to an expert information and opportunities for business networking in order to successfully step into growth phase and business development. Public tender for business development will be opened until midnight 31st of January 2019.


Initial fund for financial support for DARING program is 250.000,00 HRK, from which will be funded 3 - 5 projects/initiatives of women entrepreneurship ventures, in individual sum up to 75.000,00 HRK. Detailed instructions for tender application and application forms can be found at


For all additional information contact foundation SOLIDARNA on email:


Bagel БЕЈГЛ - Serbia


Bagel was awarded WEEmpower certificate for their efforts on advancing Sustainable Development Goals and improving the position of women and girls in our society and globally! The certificate was awarded at the UnitedNation Headquarters, as part of the WEEmpower UN SDG Challange. 


More about Bagel Bejgl watch in the video that is available HERE


New law on social entrepreneurship in slovakia 


The second Policy Learning Dialogue was really interesting and valuable, especially for our associated strategic partners and stakeholders. Peter Meszaros gave a presentation on recently adopted Law on Social Entrepreneurship in Slovakia. Through his presentation, he thoroughly explained overall law creating process and stressed the importance of involving stakeholders from early stages and keeping their interest and input until the end. Mr. Meszaros described the whole process, from the need and an idea of creating law on social entrepreneurship, developing the law, including all relevant stakeholders, creating a draft of the law and the importance of including the stakeholders for the second time, before sending the final draft of the law to the parliament. Taking the process of developing the law very seriously and including all stakeholders, Slovakia is one of the rare countries that have Law on Social Entrepreneurship that has been created to fit the needs of the market.




The European Network of Social lntegration Enterprises (ENSIE) was officially established in Bruges (Belgium) on May 11, 2001. For several years, exchanges between national networks for social integration enterprises have made possible the identification of common identifying principles for these initiatives through the various countries of the European Union. ENSIE takes for its objective the representation, maintenance and development within the European Union of networks and federations for work integration social enterprises.


Senses contacts


SENSES Lead Partner:

IFKA Public Benefit Non-profit Ltd. for the Development of Industry 


1062 Budapest Andrássy út 100. Hungary



Tel.: +36 1 312 2213



Contact: Mária Baracsi

Tel: +36 30 400 3268






Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
E-mail:  | Web:


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)