RI2integrate - Online Newsletter NO. 3





Dear reader,

Welcome to the fourth edition of the RI2integrate project newsletter. RI2integrate is project implemented by the INTERREG Danube Transnational programme co-financed by European Union funds. The main objective of the project is to exploit the economic development potential and to better the integration of the operation of the EU’s excellent R&D Infrastructure in Danube Region.

Ri2integrate project has started on first of January 2017. Our newsletters will inform you at least twice a year about the progress of the project. We welcome your contributions and inputs. Stay with us and enjoy reading!

Yours sincerely,

Ri2integrate team



The main objective of RI2integrate project is to exploit the economic development potential and to better the integration of the operation of the EU’s excellent R&D Infrastructure (RI) investment projects through devising and implementing innovative tools for policy learning on macro-regional embeddedness in the Danube Region.

The main novelty of RI2integrate is two-fold. It's methodology foresees the combination of the Smart Specialization approach (from the expert side) and the Quadruple Helix model (from the stakeholder perspective). Additionally, as a policy driven novelty, the project creates synergies between different EU and territorial funding instruments.

The main result is the improved transfer of scientific results into the economy in the Danube Region, in line with the different needs of the participating countries by the improvement of cross-linkages among the R&D, SMEs, community and government.

Begining of the project: 1.1.2017

End of the project: 30.6.2019

Budget: 1.899.430 EUR

ERDF contribution: 1.474.669,35 EUR

IPA contribution: 139.846,12 EUR

Priority: Innovative and socially responsible Danube region

Specific objective: Improve framework conditions for innovation



The RI2integrate partnership consist of 17 project partners (9 ERDF partners, 1 IPA partner and 7 Associated partners) and covers 7 Danube countries.

RI2integrate project partners from HU, CZ, AT, RO, SRB, SLO, HR represent regional and national research institutions, universities, governmental bodies, decision makers, and intermediaries. Each partner stands for a particular type of organisation involved in the utilization of excellent research infrastructures.


Consortium consist of following organizaction:

Lead partner:

ELI-HU Nonprofit Ltd.


ERDF partners:

Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency Nonprofit Ltd.

Horia Hulubei National Institute of R&D for Physics and Nuclear Engineering

Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

FH JOANNEUM Gesellschaft mbH

Institution for development of competence, innovation and specialization of Zadar County

University of Maribor

Magurele High Tech Cluster

Central Bohemia Innovation Centre

IPA partner:

Development Agency of Serbia

Associated partners:

Ministry for National Economy

Ilfov County Council

Central Bohemia Region

Steirische Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft mbH

Zadar County

Technical University of Kosice

Municipality of Ruše




RI2integrate - Extra Partner meeting in Belgrade


Improvement of research and development infrastructure through international cooperation

Development Agency of Serbia, as one of the project partners within the Embeddedness of high quality research infrastructure in the Danube Region (RI2integrate), hosted a Working Group and Steering Committee meetings on July 19-20, in Belgrade.

Meetings gathered representatives of all partner institutions, that presented and discussed the results of the work done so far, the further steps, as well as the ongoing activities.

The partners in charge of individual work packages held presentations in which they outlined the current situation with focus on pilot projects, and jointly considered possible improvements for the upcoming reporting periods.

The Project RI2integrate is part of the Transnational Programme Danube.  The total of 17 partners are included in project realisation: Hungary, Romania, Czechia, Austria, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and Slovakia.


ELI Beamlines from Prague, as one of the project partners within the Embeddedness of high quality research infrastructure in the Danube Region (RI2integrate), hosted a regular meeting and  Steering Committee meeting between September  18-19, in Prague.

Meetings gathered representatives of all partner institutions, that presented and discussed the results of the work done so far, the further steps, as well as the ongoing activities.

The partners in charge of individual work packages held presentations in which they outlined the current situation with focus on pilot projects, and jointly considered possible improvements for the upcoming reporting periods.

The Project RI2integrate is part of the Transnational Programme Danube.  The total of 17 partners are included in project realisation: Hungary, Romania, Czechia, Austria, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and Slovakia.


ri2integrate - Participating on external events in october


Besides working hard on the implementation of the RI2integrate project the partnership was also active in participating other interesting events that are related to our project and provided opportunity to networking and get new knowledge and ideas for the implementation of the RI2integrate.

In the framework of capitalization Serbian (DAS) and Hungarian (CTRIA) partners participated on the 2nd PPI2Innovate days on the that was organized in Zagreb on the 9th of October by the PPI2Innovate Interreg Central Europe Project. As Public Procurement of Innovation is one key focus of the RI2integrate project it was interesting to hear the experiences of partners that have been implementing a project with similar focus for more than 2 years now. We learnt about the PPI concept and its use in practice and we got insight to the four pilots of the PPI2Innovate project. It was useful and interesting to hear about challenges and solutions on the field, big thanks to the organizers and to the partners from the project!  

Communication activities didn’t stop in Zagreb: Romanian (IFIN-HH) and Hungarian (ELI-ALPS, CTRIA) partners participated on the 7th Annual Forum of the EUSDR on the 18-19 October in Sofia. The RI2integrate partnership prepared a special brochure for this occasion in which summarizing the develop Research Infrastructure integration tools (you can access it via this link: http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/uploads/media/approved_project_output/0001/23/d7f059b2a52ce13ce6d788eb5d872daa7884561d.pdf). It was interesting to meet with partners from and hear about what is going on in the Danube Region.


ri2integrate - matchmaking event about ppi and networking event about science parks were organized in szeged in november


ELI-ALPS, the Lead Partner of the RI2integrate project organised the Transnational Matchmaking Event in the framework of the Work Package 4 RI Integration tool. The event took place on 12 November 2018 in Szeged, Hungary. The main aim of the event was the matchmaking between industry and governmental actors on PPI and presenting the PPI guide that was also developed in our project.  Among the participants all three ELIs were represented. Moreover, the members of our NEG group could take part in the meeting too, which means that the small and medium sized enterprises, public administration and R&D institutions were represented. Besides them, the other Hungarian RI2integrate partner and a representative from ResInfra project (belonging to also our thematic pole) participated in the event.

In the framework of the program the ELI-ALPS itself and the current achievements of RI2integrate project were presented. One of the most important presentation was about the PPI guide, that Mr. Jan Stachura from ELI Beamlines held, who was responsible for the preparation of the document. To facilitate matchmaking, a project with a similar topic – PPI2innovate – was also presented, and the PPI tool that was developed by them.

ELI-ALPS organised the Danube-Regional level Networking on business ecosystem event of the RI2integrate project on 19 November 2018 in Szeged, Hungary. This event was also part of the Work Package 4. In the framework of this event, the Roadmap for forming Science Parks around excellent RIs document was shared. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Csongrád County, the County Government of Csongrád, the University of Szeged, IFIN-HH and CTRIA were present at the networking event.  

At this event, the ELI-ALPS and the Science Park plan was presented by Mr. Dávid Bereczkei, the project manager from the side of the Lead Partner. We also held a presentation about the current achievements of the RI2integrate project. The most important part was the introduction to the Roadmap for forming Science Parks around excellent RIs by Mr. Mircea Sbarna, who was responsible for the preparation of this document. Moreover, we could hear an interesting good practice from Czech Republic, the Star Cluster via Skype.



Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
E-mail: danube@interreg-danube.eu  | Web: www.interreg-danube.eu


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)