only few days are left in 2018 but we still have so many things to do, right? Time really passes by too quickly. However we should all be proud of ourselves for all great work that has been done. There were many interesting events in the past few months where we presented our work. Below you will be able to read what were the stories behind these events.
Christmas and New Year's holidays are the most wonderful time when you meet and greet your loved ones, spend quality time with your family and spread the joy and happiness all around. But don't forget, we all have opportunity to spread positive values of life each day of the year, not just at this season time.
Best wishes and lovely greetings,
The InnoHPC Team
Special event was taking place in Vienna, from 4th do 6th December ➡ ICT 2018: Imagine Digital - Connect Europe. It is an open and participatory event, organised by the European Commission and the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
We had 45-minutes session, organised by asist.dr. Victor Cepoi from Faculty of information studies, entitled "InnoHPC – creating an innovative environment for SMEs in the field of HPC".
The 6th Regional Workshop was organised in Bucharest on December 14th 2018 by UEFISCDI – the Romanian InnoHPC partner. The event, which was part of the 9th edition of Innovation Café, completed the series of InnoHPC regional workshops held in the Danube region. The debate focused on the use of high performance computing (HPC) in digital health and contributed to raising awareness about the potential benefits of HPC among SMEs.
4th International Cooperation Forum took place from 15th to 17th November at Zlatibor (Serbia). Within this Forum that was organised by Development Agency of Serbia, SME Development Agency of the Republic of Srpska and Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, one of the Inno HPC partners - REDASP - presented InnoHPC project. Presentation was done during the meeting of all 16 Serbian accredited development agencies.
InnoHPC project was also represented at the Innovative Enterprise Vienna 2018 during 21 and 22 November 2018 by the Romanian partner, UEFISCDI. The conference put emphasis on the requirements of highly innovative European enterprises to successfully enter new markets with new products.
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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)