


Last months have been quite exciting for our project. As the project is nearing its end, the activities have intensified, RIVERS'COOLs are being set-up, strategic documents finalized, and our stakeholders gained an even greater insight into the project.

While there have been many positive developments, our work towards the harmonization of Protected Areas management and development of a joint Management Programme for the future 5-country UNESCO Biosphere Reserve "Mura-Drava-Danube" continues.

For more information and updates, please visit the project website or follow us on Facebook.




Velika Polana, Slovenia – With the idea of sharing knowledge and lessons learned, from 8th to 11th November 2018, the Municipality of Velika Polana organized an international event. Project partners and local communities within the TBR MDD jointly discussed sustainable development opportunities for local people within the future 5-country Biosphere Reserve "Mura-Drava-Danube". The event was also an opportunity to join two projects focused on the area, coop MDD and Amazon of Europe Bike Trail, a new project that was officially kick-offed at the Velika Polana event.

You can find more information about the event here.




Keszthely, Hungary – From 1st to 4th October 2018, coop MDD partners gathered in Keszthely for the 5th Steering Committee Meeting and partner workshop. At this meeting, partners finalized the Transboundary Cooperation Programme (resulting in three documents: Guidelines for a Dynamic River Corricor, Concept of Transboundary Learning Network of RIVER'SCOOLs, and Transboundary Mura-Drava-Danube Action Plan). Project partners also developed outlines for priority themes and activities for a potential follow-up project to coop MDD.

The transboundary documents can be downloaded from our library, while more information about the meeting are in our news section.


we have never been closer to a 5-country biosphere reserve


Slovenia, Austria – Great news for the future 5-country Biosphere Reserve "Mura-Drava-Danube"! In July 2018, UNESCO officially confirmed the Biosphere Reserve "Mura" in Slovenia, while in September of the same year Austria sent its nomination for the Biosphere Reserve "Lower Mura Valley". The official answer from UNESCO regarding the biosphere reserve in Austria is expected in June 2019. By confirming these two biosphere reserves along the TBR MDD, final preconditions for the establishment of the first 5-country UNESCO biosphere reserve will be set.

Please visit our news page for more information.




Austria, Croatia, Serbia – Project partners had a busy activity schedule, especially involving local stakeholders and population. For example, Public Institution for Nature Protection of Virovitica-Podravina County organized several workshops for local fishermen, created a habitat inventory for European mudminnow, and designed the concept of RIVER'SCOOL "Drava Story". Partners from the Office of the State Government of Styria organized an excursion to the Styrian Mura floodplains and an information evening for local residents informing them about our project activities, especially the idea of RIVER'SCOOLs. Colleagues from the Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province participated at several meetings and conferences, including the UNESCO Academy in Italy and the Summer University in Greece where they presented the coop MDD project and participated in discussions regarding the management of biosphere reserves.

Photos from the above activities can be found in our gallery, while more information can be read on our website.




We are proud to announce that our photo of sand martins was selected to be a finalist in the DTP Photo Competition 2018. It will be printed as a postcard that will be available at many DTP promotional events. Find your postcard at one of those events!

Visit the DTP website for more information about the programme and upcoming events.



Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
E-mail:  | Web:


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)